
Switch Accessible Puzzles

Product Type: 
Device modifier
Manufacturer Name: 
Approximate Cost: $8.00

Product Description: 

Switch Accessible Puzzles is a 3D puzzle matching app designed for children with various needs ages 2 and up.

Main Features: 

  • The app is modeled after the popular wooden puzzles with cutouts.
  • The user is presented with a board that can have 2,3,4, or 5 cutouts in it.
  • One at a time, a puzzle piece appears on top of the board and the user must place the piece in the proper cutout.
  • When it is properly placed, a new puzzle piece appears.
  • Once all of the pieces are placed into the correct cutouts, a new puzzle board appears.
  • The puzzle pieces and board are large and the screen is not cluttered with distractions.
  • Puzzles included with the app include Wooden Shapes, Food, Toys, Animals, Colors, and Matching pictures to words.
  • Background music can be set to play while the puzzle piece is moved around.
  • When a puzzle piece is placed, the Precision Factor setting determines how close to the cutout the puzzle piece has to be in order to be considered a correct placement or incorrect placement.
  • Data: Data is automatically collected and saved for each session.
  • Auto Scan & Scan Seconds Interval: This setting is used for 1 switch access or one press anywhere on the screen.
  • Step Scanning: This setting is used for 2 switch access.
  • Direct Selection: Either drag and drop the puzzle piece to the cutout on the board or just touch the cutout on the board and the puzzle piece will move to it.

Primary Specifications: 

  • Compatible with iPhone, iPad, and iPod touch.
  • Requires iOS 7.0 or later.
  • For switch accessibility, the app has been programmed to work with the AbleNet Blue2 Bluetooth Switch, Pretorian Technologies interfaces, and RJ Cooper Bluetooth Switch Interface.
  • The app will work with a Bluetooth wireless keyboard.

More Information: 

See product in Apple’s App Store.