
DEVICE Features

An encased black rectangular device with a digital display and various menu options, including volume level and acoustic control.

Vibroacoustic sound system that converts sound to vibration, and enables the connection of a microphone or USB connector with audio files.

A smartphone with an icon of a hand opening an envelope with a label at the top of the screen that reads "Alarm".

Handy Calendar is a time and planning tool for iPhone and iPod touch. The calendar provides an overview of the day, week, and month. Receive clear alarms when activities begin and end. 

A box with a photo of a smartphone on the front.

A package of several Android smartphone applications that help people who experience difficulties with time, structure, appointments, initiative, planning, memory, focus and concentration, or just the handling of a smartphone.

A white square device with a notification light on the top left corner.

A detector that amplifies and transmits an infrared signal to a receiver.

A black, rectangular device with 3 white rectangular objects mounted on the side.

A radiofrequency receiver that can control two different functions from a motor-driven unit, such as blinds, window, screens, and kitchen elements.

A white, rectangular device with a round white socket at the top.

A "Plug and Play" device that allows users to send out a warning signal using a control or switch that best suits the user's needs. A family member or caregiver will receive an acoustic warning signal when you activate the alarm.

A white, square device with a port on the bottom.

Radiofrequency receiver that allows users to control elements and appliances from other parts of the house while concealing the receiver.

Three white rectangular boxes. The first, the door unit, includes a speaker at the top and a screen with a doorbell icon below. The second, the room unit, includes a speaker at the top and a  lack screen below with icons for speaking and for a key. The last object is the central unit, which includes a single port on the bottom.

A door phone that is suitable for disabled, speech-disabled, and elderly users. A door unit is attached outside a door, which allows the user to call in the home for a conversation and also open the door.

A gray rectangular device with a black screen.

Communication tablets in various sizes that operate via touch, eye control, scan, head mouse, or keyboard and include specialized software.

A white keyboard with gray keys and a blue screen above the keys.

A voice/typewriter device that helps users communicate and control surroundings.