
Generates speech output for communication

A young lady is sitting in an armchair wearing a headband-type device with an arm extending out from the ear toward the mouth. A small rectangular corded device with 2 green lights is next to her on the chair's arm.

A wearable personal communication device that gives a voice to locked-in patients by using audio feedback and eye gestures. It is a standalone portable device without the need for a screen.

An emotions aac board on smartphone is shown. There are 5 smiley/frowning type circle faces drawn with 3 red buttons on the bottom to go back, SOS, and Talk.

An app directed at people unable to communicate fluently orally or through writing with health professionals, family, or any other person. HelpTalk allows users to create sets of actions that represent their needs in terms of communication, with the actions most suited for each disability/user. 

Symbols with corresponding icons and menu options such as chat, feelings, and people.

A symbol-based communication app, powered by a prediction technology. SwiftKey Symbols learns from users to predict the symbol they’re most likely to want next, saving time and helping them to communicate faster and more easily.

A blue pen-shaped device with a power button and menu options down the side.

A speech device in pen form, with which users can set words, book pages, pictures, songs, task lists, work stations or objects.

A green carrying case with a handle and a tablet inside featuring the TalkTablet Speech App menu screen. The screen features word choices with corresponding illustrations.

Speech Tablets are AAC devices within a tablet that contains a speech app and includes a carrying case.

A mobile phone-sized tablet attached to a band that is wrapped around a wrist. The screen features menu options features words and phrases such as good morning, goodbye, and good night.

An AAC/speech “device” that is worn on the wrist. It is suitable for children and adults with autism, aphasia (stroke), Parkinson’s, or any condition that affects their ability to communicate with friends and family.

Laptop computer with a display showing the program's main screen, which features its name against a black, night sky, treetops along the bottom, and balloons in the shape of hearts.

A program that uses non-verbal communication training during the early-language stage, to enable professionals and home users to develop a reasonable and personalized treatment program that may be used for therapy at home.

Large rectangular tablet with AAC keyboard on the display and a camera mounted on the top.

Augmentative communications tablet devices that come with Android-based Chat software designed to fit a variety of needs for communicators at all levels.

Menu options with arrows pointing in several directors and icons such those for communication, a toolbar, and a calculator.

A ready-made setup for complete communication with words and phrases. It is suitable for children or adults with mobility or speech disabilities.

Menu with icons and text above with options such as media player, communication, and email.

A communication program with the possibility of individual adaptation in terms of appearance, functionality and operating mode.