
Language Representation

A large, round yellow smiling face inside a black circle with a small vertical bar of three squares on the lower left.

A resource for teaching, communication, and literacy development that features more than 40,000 colorful symbols designed for children with communication disabilities to allow them to communicate easier with others.

Screenshot showing menu of icons and a green SPEAK button across the top.

A text-to-speech direct selection and symbolic alternative and augmentative communication (AAC) app designed for use by individuals with communication, cognitive, learning, developmental or speech disabilities, or autism.

Screenshot of a 3x6 grid of colorful communications symbols and menu across the top.

A  voice output direct selection and symbolic augmentative and alternative communication (AAC) app designed for use by individuals with communication, cognitive, developmental, learning or speech disabilities, or autism and by caregivers, educators, therapists and parents working with people with these disabilities.

Three square, gray LA-90 models shown with three different color signal strips down front right side: the first one is yellow, the middle one is red, and the last one is blue.

Compact portable inductive loop system that picks up sound via an integrated microphone or an external microphone.

Green software box with an image of an owl on a branch and the product name underneath. Leaning against the box is a CD.

A program for students with disabilities to learn functional vocabulary words.

Square app logo with red on top the lowercase word wait, with blue on the bottom and the number 4 next to the black lettering it in a white box.

An app designed for use by individuals with communication and autism spectrum disorders (ASDs) to help teach the concept of “wait” and encourage learners to wait successfully.

Screenshot of iPad app menu with various template options for creating communication boards.

An iOS app for creating custom communication boards for use with individuals with communication, cognitive, learning, developmental or speech disabilities, or autism.

Screenshot of a communications board showing a 2x3 grid of colorful images.

A free set of tools designed for alternative and augmentative communication that facilitates functional communication through the use of images and pictograms for people with communication disabilities.

Screenshot of main menu with grid of control options and image of user on lower left.

An open source assistive communication tool developed for individuals living with paralysis or Locked-In Syndrome (LIS).

Screenshot of main screen showing 4x4 grid of communications options, such as "I'm Hungry" and "Thank you."

A communication system for people with physical disabilities such as cerebral palsy. It can also be used for learning to read and write and to facilitate the use and control of computers.