
Synthesized Voice

Two smartphones staggered one behind the other, each with a conversation bubble.

A free mobile app for patients with cognitive, communication, learning, or speech disabilities or autism that facilitates communication with family members or healthcare providers who are in proximity to the patient and can provide immediate assistance.

Screenshot showing a drop down menu on the left and cartoon drawing of a dog lying in grassy yard at night with a yellow smiling star in the sky.

A symbolic direct selection communicator training program for people with cognitive, communication, or speech disabilities or autism.

Screenshot showing a list of quick phrases and a menu bar across the bottom.

A voice output alternative augmentative and alternative communication app designed for use by individuals who have difficulty speaking due to autism, brain injury, stroke, laryngeal cancer, or other conditions that affect speech.

Screenshot showing menu of icons and a green SPEAK button across the top.

A text-to-speech direct selection and symbolic alternative and augmentative communication (AAC) app designed for use by individuals with communication, cognitive, learning, developmental or speech disabilities, or autism.

Screenshot of a 3x6 grid of colorful communications symbols and menu across the top.

A  voice output direct selection and symbolic augmentative and alternative communication (AAC) app designed for use by individuals with communication, cognitive, developmental, learning or speech disabilities, or autism and by caregivers, educators, therapists and parents working with people with these disabilities.

The torso view of a man facing forward wearing a headset and a living room behind him.

A web service designed to make it easy for anyone to create a synthetic voice, with the support of a speech therapist. The service can be used without any particular knowledge and equipment.

A person holding a Windows 7 tablet and writing on it with a stylus.

A Windows 7 touchscreen tablet that allows users to synthesize speech by handwriting with a stylus.

Desktop computer monitor with black border and application screen with menu commands across the top and text underneath.

A text-to-speech desktop application that facilitates the production of static audio files.

A white and blue device resembling a typewriter, with a display panel at the top.

Direct selection or combination direct selection and scanning communicator, designed for use by individuals with communication or speech disabilities.

The main screen of Clicker Communicator app offering a grid of options filled with picture symbols.

An augmentative and alternative communication app for the classroom designed to give a voice to learners with speech and language difficulties.