


Software box featuring product name and the image of a train engine within a pink oblong circle. The CD is leaning against the box.

A research-based program for students with disabilities that provides highly structured teaching for learning 100 nouns and 50 verbs in developmental order. 

A gray box with a white background and blue text.

A simple word processor with reading options suitable for people who have difficulty communicating and learning literacy in a conventional way, such as people with dyslexia, people without speech, and people who have difficulty acquiring phonological awareness. The program produces an auditory return and helps them to self-correct.

A blue and green map puzzle in a gray window.

An accessible version of JClic, a set of computer applications that serve to perform various types of educational activities: puzzles, associations, text exercises, crosswords, and other activities.  

Logo that reads Projecte Fressa in red and green with the year 2019 below it.

A program that reproduces a sound when clicking the mouse. It can help students with many visual and cognitive problems so that they become aware of when they touch the touchscreen.

Two iPads showing screenshots. One has a list of activities for brushing teeth, and the other has a calendar showing Friday's activities. 

A customizable visual schedule app that is designed to give individuals who may benefit from visual support to ease transitions or anxiety an audio/visual representation of the “events in their day."

Large red square image with a colorful drawing of a creature peering over the edge of a keyboard.

A cloud-based program designed for students aged 7-12 with dyslexia that teaches touch typing while improving spelling.

Large orange square with a colorful drawing of four characters standing in a field.

A cloud-based program for children aged 6-11 with dyslexia designed to teach them number sense, strategies for times tables, and understanding time.

Square image of a colorful drawing of three pencils with smiley faces with a beach behind them.

A cloud-based program for children aged 7-14 with dyslexia designed to help them understand the building blocks of written language.

Large yellow square with a drawing of a cow in the upper left square, the app name on the bottom left, and a large red button on the lower right with "Tap here to Scan" written in it.

An app designed to help children and adults with physical disabilities to learn to select pictures using a scanning device.

Screenshot showing a window on right with a drawing of two boys drinking at a table and three-sentence options on the right with pictures above the words.

Language tutorial apps designed to help children and adults with physical or learning disabilities to recognize that words and sentences have meanings corresponding to actions in animated pictures.