
VISION related

Product logo for Blind Audio Tactile Mapping System featuring B-A-T-S in large black letters with  Blind Audio Tactile Mapping System written below it. Also to the right is a radar-type measurement featuring 2-axis drawn segments with a black silhouette form in the target.

An ongoing project aimed at providing people without sight the same rich information and spatial awareness that sighted people get from exploring maps.

Desktop background with Blindows header.

BLINDOWS is a multilingual screenreading software with magnification that enables blind and visually impaired users to access a PC via a voice output or a Braille display. 

Rectangular device with speaker at front and operational features on the side.

The Lesephon USB is a software that converts text scanned from a connected scanner and reads the content aloud. With the Lesephon USB, blind and visually impaired PC users are able to use most PCs that have a free USB port. 

A table-top device with the shape and size of a standard scanner with speakers on the front face and knob control. An accompanying flat remote is also pictured. 

A text reading system for printed documents.

Hands operating the Braille keyboard device beneath a tablet computer screen

EasyLink 12 Touch provides Braille access on touchscreen devices such as the iPhone, iPad or iPod. 

Android phone with the main menu of the Mobile Accessibility app.

Voice software for Android phones that allows people who are blind and visually impaired access to functions of mobile phones by sending screenshots via voice output.

Black keyboard with white keys on a gray desk against a white wall with the company logo painted in black.

A reading system with Braille for people who are blind or have visual limitations.

Smartphone screen of a scanned American dollar bill with the words, "1 Dollar".

An application for those who are blind or who have visual difficulties to recognize banknotes of various currencies if they are held in front of the camera.

A device that resembles a flatbed scanner with a panel of controls on the front, slopped side of the device.

A text reader that recognizes typescript, including tables and matrix print, and converts it automatically into speech. Optional headphones and multilingual reading are available.

Homephone with large dialing buttons.

The b TELl II is a phone for people with hearing loss that features a loudspeaker with the handset. The volume, frequency, and microphone volume are all adjustable.