Products that match: Teaching Materials
257 Results
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Operating System
A series of symbol reading books for the iPad that contains five books with speech and symbol support along with questions and speaking flashcards for conversation and communication support.
A series of apps for the iPad and Windows devices that have been specifically designed to support pupils through the process of writing.
A service that puts brochures, flyers, annual reports, and other files in accessible formats.
An iPad app that Prints out the Key Word Sign Australia dictionary a-z or by category and allows the users to make their signing resources for books and communication aids using line drawings of Auslan signs, Widgit symbols or photos from their camera roll.
A French catalog of free audiobooks to facilitate access for all and in particular blind and visually impaired users recorded by members of the Federation.
Vocale Presse is an audio playback service that allows anyone with vision problems to have access to the written press. It reads daily newspapers or magazines aloud from the day of publication to the full content of a large number of French nationals or regional daily newspapers and the largest magazines.
An app for accessing the content on documents that have been created with the capito method, which is being used to transform information in easy-to-understand language.