Products that match: Dedicated AAC Device
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12 Results
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Operating System
Readtopia was designed to bring experiential learning into the classroom, so students can bridge the gap between learning through reading and experience. The curriculum is delivered through thematic units designed to help teachers transform classrooms into laboratories of experiential learning.
Eye-controlled communicator program and mouse emulator designed for use by individuals with speech or communication disabilities and severe physical or neurological disabilities.
An open source assistive communication tool developed for individuals living with paralysis or Locked-In Syndrome (LIS).
A free and open source Android application that turns a phone or tablet into an inexpensive augmentative and alternative communication device.
A free augmentative and alternative communication (AAC) web app for children and adults with speech and language impairments, aiding communication with symbols and text-to-speech.
Open-source alternative and augmentative communication (AAC) application that allows individuals with a visual and physical difficulty who require auditory scanning to communicate.
An assistive communication SIP-based tool for people who are deaf and hearing impaired that works with iPad and Android tablets to offer "total conversation," which includes video, audio, and text.
An app designed for use by individuals with communication and autism spectrum disorders (ASDs) to help teach the concept of “wait” and encourage learners to wait successfully.
A visual reinforcement system designed for use by individuals with communication and autism spectrum disorders that can let someone know what he’s working for, how much work he needs to do, and how close he is to earning a reward for that work.
A multi-level communication device that uses smart overlay technology.
A ready-made setup for complete communication with words and phrases. It is suitable for children or adults with mobility or speech disabilities.
A voice input augmentative and alternative communication (AAC) app designed for people with dysarthria that allows them to use voice commands to speak phrases.