

Photograph of five people in various work outfits, including a chef and a photographer.

A personal skills tutorial program that features 77 interactive online lessons designed for use by high school students or adults with cognitive or other disabilities.

Square logo with large gear in upper left corner, a butterfly in lower left corner and the name of the app written on it.

An illustrated, interactive 3D sign language dictionary designed for students who are deaf/hard-of-hearing and use American Sign Language (ASL) or Signed English (SE) in the classroom.

Cover image featuring a drawing of a male and female teen each holding a camera and on the right is a list of topics.

CD-ROM-based programs that teach older children with autism and special needs (of cognitive age 8-18) acceptable behaviors and language using real-life video scenarios.

Cover of DVD with a picture of a young boy smiling in the center surrounded by an orange border with hands-on each corner. At the bottom right are the covers of two books.

Sign language video programs designed to demonstrate storytelling techniques for parents who have children with hearing disabilities. Each DVD set features at least one classic story spoken aloud and signed in American Sign Language (ASL).



Picture of a board game with a white background and large square spaces with various images on them.

A CD containing printable activities related to "Old MacDonald's Farm" for use with children with cognitive, developmental, or multiple disabilities.

Screenshot of three image tiles of a bucket with sunflowers in front of, next to, and behind it.

A program for students with special needs designed to help them learn and practice 10 essential prepositions and following directions.

Photograph of five people in various work outfits, including a chef and a photographer.

A curriculum consisting of duplicatable PDF books, interactive programs, and interactive online access designed to help prepare students with special needs to take and pass the GED and to learn academic and life skills.

Picture of clear plastic tube in a circle connected to a small round black device with a cord leading out from it.

A switch that allows people with motor difficulties to control a computer using chin and head movements. 

Square yellow image with a grid of four drawings, showing a boombox, a girl in front of chalkboard, a girl in a wheelchair reaching out to a boy, and a candy bar.

An augmentative and alternative communication tutorial program designed to help people with communication disorders to learn about and use language.

Screenshot of Image Selector menu and slide projector image is shown on left with other image selection options on the right.

A symbolic language picture program designed for use by individuals with cognitive, communication, or speech disabilities.