
Color Coded Keys

Groups of letters (e.g. vowels) are colored to indicate their category.
A person holding a bent wooden stylus/ stick to press a key on a white rectangular keyboard. The keys have a slight arc-shape layout.

A mouse and keyboard replacement that is used with a magnetic stylus. It is designed so only one key needs to be pressed at a time. Adapted for people with very weak muscle strength (muscular dystrophy), people with a very small range of motion of the extremities.

Various models of gaming keyboards. A typical gaming keyboard resembles a standard keyboard, but with additional keys, multi-colored backlighting (rainbow or a three-color design), and sometimes a built-in palm rest. Three of these models are one-handed designs. These devices resemble large keypads, similar to a credit card machine at a shop. All of the one-handed models include a palm rest on the bottom edge.

Highly customizable keyboard that features programmable hot key and macro key shortcuts, more extensive media controls for a computer, and an ergonomic design.

Detail view of the keyboard with letter keys labeled in lower case and upper case form, while the additional buttons are labeled in both English and Danish.

The Alfabet Tastatur, or Alphabet Keyboard, features colored letter, making these keys easy to review and distinguish from the other keys.

Regular black color coded keyboard, with letters, numbers and special characters on it. Other function key and numbers on the right side of the keyboard are marked.

The LessonBoard is a standard-size QWERTY, computer keyboard with a patented color-coded by finger layout to show correct finger placement, help reduce the chance of forming bad keyboarding habits, and improve precision and speed.

Blue alternative keyboard with mouse control and black alphabetical key layout on a yellow background.

An alternate keyboard that comes with software for controlling the mouse and keyboard plus speech and customization software – everything a user needs for flexible computer access. 

White keyboard-like device with red and black keys.

Mini-keyboard that allows people with muscle weakness or paralysis to do computer work.

Trapezium-shaped keyboard with keys in different colors.

The Tash alternative keyboards plug directly into your computer, with no special interface is required.

White computer keyboard with tan, black, and red keys; keypad at left; and, an integrated keypad.

ABP KT 10 Small Field Keyboards work much like standard keyboards, but offer many possibilities of use that facilitate the operation of the PC system in daily use. Optional enhancements include a palm rest, finger guide, touchpad, hulapoint or trackball, and the adjustment for left or right handed people.

Black keyboard with multicolored keys and magnetic stripe reader

Multifunctional, fully programmable modular keyboard with 12x8 Matrix Key layout keyboard module for professional commercial use, e.g. in Point-of-Service (POS).