
Daily Living

Devices and services to provide support for everyday life.
A gray rectangular device with a vertical row of lights next to the numbers 8, 6, 4, and 2.

A tool that suits all age groups and makes it easier to understand time, e.g., how long an activity takes or when an activity should start.

A black rectangular device with a black cord.

Provides added safety for the wheelchair user as the wheelchair can be stopped by a relative or assisted by remote control. The operation also releases the wheelchair into normal driving again.

A beige rectangular device with an antenna and a cord and a small black remote with buttons.

Remote control to prevent further driving that includes one button for stop and one button for run.

A smartphone with an icon of a hand opening an envelope with a label at the top of the screen that reads "Alarm".

Handy Calendar is a time and planning tool for iPhone and iPod touch. The calendar provides an overview of the day, week, and month. Receive clear alarms when activities begin and end. 

A box with a photo of a smartphone on the front.

A package of several Android smartphone applications that help people who experience difficulties with time, structure, appointments, initiative, planning, memory, focus and concentration, or just the handling of a smartphone.

A black, rectangular device with 3 white rectangular objects mounted on the side.

A radiofrequency receiver that can control two different functions from a motor-driven unit, such as blinds, window, screens, and kitchen elements.

A white, rectangular device with a round white socket at the top.

A "Plug and Play" device that allows users to send out a warning signal using a control or switch that best suits the user's needs. A family member or caregiver will receive an acoustic warning signal when you activate the alarm.

A white, rectangular device with a round white socket at the top.

A Plug'n'Play device that can turn on and off all types of devices and contact-based devices, either via a BJ control or an external switch. 

Logo with a red dot between the word Aabentoft and the letters "dk."

Bluetooth Mouse Simulator - AMSLXBTA allows users to control the mouse pointer on a PC, Mac, or an Android-based smartphone from a chair's joystick. 

Three white rectangular boxes. The first, the door unit, includes a speaker at the top and a screen with a doorbell icon below. The second, the room unit, includes a speaker at the top and a  lack screen below with icons for speaking and for a key. The last object is the central unit, which includes a single port on the bottom.

A door phone that is suitable for disabled, speech-disabled, and elderly users. A door unit is attached outside a door, which allows the user to call in the home for a conversation and also open the door.