
Dwell Click

Hold the mouse in one place to produce a click
Alternative Vocabulary 1: 
eye, mouse, click, eyes, pointer, select, control
Alternative Vocabulary 2: 
movement, item, selection, tracking, screen, using, software, cursor, hover, movements, visual, delay, clicking, items, blink, time
Alternative Vocabulary 3: 
gaze, controlled, auto, settings, delayed, pause, clicker, selecting, controls, move, tracker, vision, blinking, eye-tracking, dwell, clicks, device, hands, free, things, selector, timed, technology, point, best, adaptive, adjustment, keeping, period, still, without, stationary
Alternative Vocabulary 4: 
timer, hold, assistance, motion, twice, double, second, solution, devices, better, accessibility, instead, operated, navigate, precision, alternatives, tech, eyesight, auto-click, holding, eye-movement, focus, duration, eye-tracker, specific, stare, detection, lock, hovering, sensor, setting, virtual, track, monitor, tool, disabled, program, assistant, long, activate, retina, automatic, answer, freeze, laser, tips, left, right, lou, gehrig's, disease, assistive, computers, visually, pattern, accurate, accuracy, facial, sight, voice, objects, uses, pointers
Alternative Vocabulary 5: 
purchase, google, search, time-guided, movement-guided, styles, accessible, touch, eyegaze, text, stationery, sustained, contact, activation, called, persistence, substitute, stay, wait, moby, actually, know, one, click-on-hold, icon, fixer, steady, bull, sensitivity, stop, keyboard, avoid, choosing, choose, keep, features, recalibrate, extend, something, fast, pick, good, aim, auto-select, windows, ball, wait-on-click, confirm, mode, quick, succession, limit, accidental, normal, triggers, feature, optic, slow, easy, catcher, answers, seconds, accept, certain, grab, non-click, pointer-based, pointer-position, target, assisted, camera, calibration, scanning, tobii, hands-free, gaming, interface, similar, button, full, reviews, input, disability, finger, trouble, disorder, equipment, wink, bind, organizations, profound, dysfunction, command, applications, tools, web, cam, programs, improve, inaccurate, navigating, websites, just, difficulty, troubleshooting, easily, speech, direction, looking, recognition, icons, peripheral, precisely, new, rapid, equals, blinks, problem, closing, functions, action, find, following, replacement, stephen, hawking, options, allows, opti-key, pceye, tribe, become, option, hardware, clickable, enable, blink-controlled, eye-controlled, system, alternative, activated, solutions, unable, mouseless, navigation, precise
Screenshot showing cursor selection options, including two green go buttons, a red pause button, and a settings option.

A mouse emulator program designed for use by individuals that have difficulty accessing standard mouse buttons and who use a head pointing device.

Angled view of software box showing an image of a sky with clouds striped across the middle of the box with the program's name on it.

A mouse emulator program designed for use by individuals with carpal tunnel syndrome or other repetitive stress injuries, arthritis, or upper extremity or neurological disabilities that eliminates the need to click the mouse.  

Main menu in the form of a control panel with various options settings and click boxes and menu options across bottom.

Allows any user that can operate a pointing device to have the computer do mouse functions.

Dragger toolbar showing a double click, right click, middle click, or left, right and middle drag.

Dragger is a software utility for manipulating the left, right, and middle mouse buttons of a standard mouse or mouse emulator often used by people who have physical motor challenges.

An oblong device with one central button mounted to the underside of a monitor. 

An eye tracking camera and an alternative PC mouse input system.

Angled view of software box with title and picture of a cartoon mouse holding a clock.

A mouse click emulator that features an intelligent calibration feature that evaluates the user's steadiness and determines the "right amount" of smoothing to apply to their mouse movements.

ClickAid mouse helper click action selection menu with right, left, and center clicks, as well as shift, alt, ctrl, and others.

ClickAid is a standalone on-screen mouse aid designed for anyone who has difficulty switching between mouse buttons or double-clicking on a physical computer mouse. It will work with all mouse systems including head mouse and touch screen devices.

On-screen keyboard and target window.

An on-screen keyboard providing people with physical impairments full access to the computer.

MICE, Raton Virtual movement action menu

MICE is a program designed for people with severe motor disabilities to whom it is impossible to use a traditional mouse.

Toolbar showing images of mouse control options.

QualiCLICK is a Windows application that allows the user to use a mouse or other pointing device without physically clicking a button.