

Aids to the instructor to make lessons accessible, and aids for students to learn from lessons.
A vertical iPad screen showing five rows of an image next to a topic area against a white background.

A series of symbol reading books for the iPad that contains five books with speech and symbol support along with questions and speaking flashcards for conversation and communication support.

Picture of a teenage boy's head and shoulders blowing into a tube connected to an oblong black device.

An adaptive electronic wind instrument that enables people with disabilities to play music with only small movements of the head.

A long, rectangular desktop device tilted forward and featuring four large, hexagonal buttons with images of communications options.

A multi-speech aid that has been designed for use in the classroom where its speech output and adjustable volume levels allow pupils to participate in classroom activities.

Widescreen, flat-panel LED display with a picture of a field on it attached to a desktop stand with an open book on it.

A high-resolution, flat-screen desktop video magnifier mounted on an ergonomic swivel-tilt arm.

Cartoon drawing of a smiling boy wearing a cap in front of a laptop computer and slapping himself on the side of the head as numbers come out.

An online program built around a 5-7 week training course that can improve the mathematical ability of children and adolescents who have difficulty with math, typically due to speech blindness, difficulty concentrating or dyslexia.

Rounded blue square with a white lowercase letter t in the center and a white superscript HD in the upper right.

An app designed for children and adults with dyslexia to help them write without spelling errors. It uses a word prediction engine and spelling error model to help users write, even if their spelling isn't correct.

Rounded square image of the lowercase word inku written in white against a pink background in the center, and different colored small squares across the top.

An app designed for people who struggle with writing due to learning disabilities such as dyslexia. It helps people write and take notes in both an educational and professional setting.

Rounded square cartoon drawing of an orange fox holding a tablet with letter combinations on the screen.

An app for improving a child’s speech that is designed for children with speech sound errors. It is developed to be used in consultation with a speech therapist.

A gray box with a large blue letter A in the center.

A program intended to help people with speech difficulties articulate vowels. 

A gray box with a white background and blue text.

A simple word processor with reading options suitable for people who have difficulty communicating and learning literacy in a conventional way, such as people with dyslexia, people without speech, and people who have difficulty acquiring phonological awareness. The program produces an auditory return and helps them to self-correct.