
Personal Support

Assistance with self-care and self management tasks.
A graphics logo with the word "e book" in black font and a simple, black illustration of an e-reader. The letter "e" is written over the screen of the e-reader illustration. There is a bright yellow circle in the background of the graphic.

A digital book that can be virtually downloaded and features accessibility options such as font size adjustment, contrast adjustment, and audio read-aloud, for example. E-books are typically downloaded to e-readers, but depending on their file format, users may also read them on a computer, tablet, or smartphone.

Medium-sized tablet devices with digital book pages. They are roughly the size of a standard paperback book. Three have black borders, while one is a white device. One of the e-readers is shown with a stylus. The e-readers do not have color screens like standard tablets but are black and white and more opaque than a tablet.

Allows users to read and purchase digital books, newspapers, and magazines, while also eliminating the need to flip a page or physically hold a book. E-readers also typically allow users to change font size, increase the contrast, and modify how many lines of text fill a page.

Various models of GPS watches. They resemble standard watches with digital screens. The screens are displaying maps for navigation and tracking. Two watches are black; over is silver; and one is light blue.

GPS watches are smart watches that serve as both tracking and communications devices. Users can track and monitor the location of the watch wearer in real-time, while the wearer can also quickly contact family, caregivers, or friends.

Various models of vehicle GPS. Two models are small and medium-sized touchscreen devices displaying maps and a navigation menu. One has a built-in stand. The other two models do not have a display screen but only serve as tracking devices, meant to be installed within a vehicle. They are small, black, rectangular box devices. One has a cord attached. The words "GPS Tracker" are printed atop this model.

Allows user to navigate to destinations, digitally explore their surroundings and search for addresses, amenities, etc., as well as receive turn-by-turn directions. Some models are specifically designed as trackers to allow family and caregivers to monitor the real-time location of individuals.

Various models of handheld scanners. Three resemble electronic rulers and have small color display screens and menu buttons. One model is a small-sized rectangular box with a non-color display screen. It also features several menu buttons and is shown scanning a business card. One model is black; one is turquoise; the other two are silver.

Handheld scanners allow a user to scan entire documents or lines of text with a lightweight, portable device.

Various models of pen scanners. They are roughly the size and shape of a highlighter pen, but they are electronic devices with a flat scanner end (similar to a barcode scanner) where a highlighter nib would be.  One model has a small display screen on the side of the pen for displaying translated text and other data. Two of the models are corded; two are wireless. Three models are black, and one model is white and orange.

Slide the pen across a line of text to digitally scan it to your computer, tablet, or smartphone.

Various models of large display alarm clocks. They resemble standard, digital, and rectangular alarm clocks, but with extra large numbers and displays. All of the models feature sharp, high-contrast displays. One features a white display background with black numbers. The other models have black display backgrounds. One model has red numbers; another has bright green numbers; a third model has blue numbers.

Feature sharp, high-contrast displays and extra-large numbers.

Home page of Appyautism website featuring a boy looking through a magnifying glass.

Appyautism is a website (available in Spanish and English) designed for people with autism spectrum disorders, their families and all professionals that work with these people, offering a selection of the best applications for Windows and Mac computers and for Android, iOS and Windows Phone devices.

Image of homepage of website, featuring doctor standing in front of hospital waving.

The Doctor Tea website (in Spanish) aims to facilitate medical visits for people with autism, becoming familiar with the medical environment through a tour through different spaces, professionals and medical procedures, which are explained with bullets, videos and animations.

Two children interacting with Azahar on tablet.

Azahar is a free set of Java-based leisure, communication and planning tools aimed at improving the quality of life of people with autism or intellectual disability.