
Pointing and Clicking

Assist with mouse, touch-screens and ability switches.
A black rectangular device with six inputs on the side.

A Programmable IR transmitter that can be used with up to six different 0/1 contacts. Big Jack is suitable for anyone who needs big and clear contacts.

A black rectangular device with white buttons containing the numbers 1 through 6 and 2 other menu options.

Programmable IR transmitter controls that replace regular remote controls for TVs, DVDs, and stereos. They include easy-to-press buttons suitable for people with motor or cognitive disabilities. 

A small, black rectangular device with an input on the bottom.

Modules that create two functions in one switch: a short press and a long press. It is suitable for users who do not have the possibility of operating several contacts.

A black rectangular device with 10 buttons outlined in white and a cord at the bottom.

A contact box that provides acoustic feedback and allows users to operate a wheelchair's electrical functions directly from contacts or fields, without first having to go through the chair's menu system. Operation of the wheelchair's electrical functions is activated by placing the fingertip in the center of the field. 

Two black rectangular devices with cords on the bottom. The box on the left has 8 buttons in blue, green, red, and yellow. The box on the right contains black buttons.

Contact boxes that allow users to operate a wheelchair's electrical functions directly from contacts or fields, without first having to go through the chair's menu system. 

A black rectangular device with a black cord.

Provides added safety for the wheelchair user as the wheelchair can be stopped by a relative or assisted by remote control. The operation also releases the wheelchair into normal driving again.

A tablet screen with menu options including color on screen, logical reasoning, improvisation, counting, cosmo hero, showdown.

Cosmo is a tablet device with luminous contacts specially designed for iPad activities.  It can be used for learning and activities throughout the class or at home.

A white square device with a notification light on the top left corner.

A detector that amplifies and transmits an infrared signal to a receiver.

A white, square device with a port on the bottom.

Radiofrequency receiver that allows users to control elements and appliances from other parts of the house while concealing the receiver.

A monitor with IntelliGaze functions that have typed out the word "hello" while a user gazes at the screen.

A module that makes it possible to operate all the functions of a PC using eye movements. It is designed for people with limited motor skills or many involuntary movements.