
Reading Applications

Access to text based entertainment.
A device that resembles a microscope with bendable "head" so users can adjust the angle. The device features a zoom button, image capture button on the base, with two smaller menu buttons on the "neck" of the device. The device is black and silver.

Portable electronic magnifier and reading aid for visually impaired users. 

Monitor showing a girl with a red cap with a video magnifier below is mounted on a black clamp.

A desktop video magnifier that integrates camera technology with the different needs of users.

Computer monitor with a picture of girl covering one of her eyes with her hand on a stand with a flat tray for scanning documents. There are three, large control knobs at the bottom of the monitor screen.

A 19-inch, desktop electronic magnifier designed for visually impaired users that features a space-saving and movable screen design.

White portable stand with two flaps, the one in front has a ledge to prop a device on and the back one has the document to be scanned. This image version is seen holding an iPhone.

Portable scanning stand that holds a smart tablet or phone in the correct position for precisely aligned scans of documents, receipts, books and business cards.

Handheld device the size and shape of a mobile phone with button on the front face. 

An integrated audiobook player and audio navigation device.

Two tab screen interface with letter text on the left and braille text on the right.

A braille transcription program developed by the American Printing House for the Blind to help transcribers provide blind students with braille textbooks on the first day of class.

EasyConverter's large print feature as shown in a Word document.

Software that creates accessible information for people with visual impairments, dyslexia, and other reading difficulties.

A book open on the gray document platform (left) and a black camera attached to scan a document (right).

Screenreading device to help people with hearing and visual disabilities to read larger texts and also listen to readings.

A large, brown letter "T", part of which is magnified by a magnifying glass.

A fully accessible app for the blind and those with low vision that lets users read a text of all kinds with a mobile device.

Flatbed scanner and reader with a speaker, head phone jack, and buttons for play, volume, speed, etc.

ScannaR is a compact, flatbed scanner that scans printed text and automatically reads it aloud.