
Student tools for homework

Tools to help a student with limitations to complete out-of-class work to further their education.
A gray box with a white background and blue text.

A simple word processor with reading options suitable for people who have difficulty communicating and learning literacy in a conventional way, such as people with dyslexia, people without speech, and people who have difficulty acquiring phonological awareness. The program produces an auditory return and helps them to self-correct.

Partial view of woman holding a tablet with left hand and right hand is pointing at text on the screen.

An online library of books narrated by trained readers and edited by speech-language pathologists designed for older students reading at elementary school levels.

Rounded blue rectangular image with a white Qwerty keyboard on the bottom and a frog in a white box on the upper left. A white rectangular window is in the upper right with the word frog next to a blank line.

An introduction to the keyboard by using speech, phonics, and Widgit Symbols in colorful letter exercises to teach literacy skills to users who have difficulty with text or communication.

Photograph of plush turtle toy on a table with an orange box and a small green tablet device.

An accessible learning environment for children with special needs. It combines tablet apps and a wireless smart toy to encourage children's interest in science, technology, engineering, and math (STEM).

Partial screenshot showing the beginning of the word Hello being typed and a list of seven possible word choices.

A word completion program designed for use by individuals with learning disabilities or upper extremity disabilities, slow typists, poor spellers, and/or those that need word suggestions.

Screenshot of a keyboard, with keys colored yellow, red, and blue and letter tiles in a row at the bottom.

An iPad app that is designed to help teach individuals with dyslexia in reading and spelling.

Picture of a woman in a red blouse using sign language with various drawings of other people using sign language around her.

A three-CD reference set that enables users to locate approximately 7,000 words and their definitions in both English and ASL. 

Oval-shaped device with two white knobs on one end, a red band around the center, and connected to a USB cable.

A lip, tongue, chin, finger or toe-operated USB mouse designed for individuals with spinal cord injury or upper extremity amputation or disability.

Binder package cover showing teacher holding a notebook and students reading a newspaper and looking at a schedule.

An educational resource designed to help students with special needs and learning differences develop reading skills along with everyday life skills. The package includes a three-ring binder and CD. 

Large round square with drawings of a happy face and a sad face.

An app designed to help non-verbal children and adults express their feelings using Smarty Symbols.