
Geoboard, by The Math Learning Center

Product Type: 
Device modifier
Manufacturer Name: 
Approximate Cost: $0.00

Product Description: 

Geoboard is an app for exploring mathematical topics introduced in the elementary and middle grades. It is a virtual software for stretching a rubber band around pegs to form line segments and polygons and make discoveries about perimeter, area, angles, congruence, fractions, and more.

Main Features: 

  • Create line segments and polygons by stretching bands around the Geoboard’s pegs.
  • Choose from 5 different band colors; 8 band colors on the iPad.
  • Fill individual shapes with a transparent color, or use the Fill All button to toggle all the bands between filled and unfilled.
  • iPad only:
    • Switch between the standard 25-peg square board, rectangular board with 150 pegs, or a circular board with 13 pegs. The circular board enables explorations with angles, fractions, and time measurement.
    • Duplicate shapes then move, rotate, or flip them to explore symmetry and congruency.
    • Change the color of the selected bands.
    • Display grid lines with or without numbering to more easily calculate area and identify shape locations.
    • Use the drawing tools to annotate work and show understanding
    • Write equations and expressions with the text tool.

Primary Specifications: 

  • Compatible with iPod Touches, iPhones, or iPads.

Options & Accessories: 

More Information: 

See product in Apple's App Store.