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101 Animations 2+2 Early Math Software 2-Switch 20 Second Recording Memo 20/20 en orthographe 205 Sounds (Android tablet) 2PCS ALERTING AND LOCATING SYSTEM 30/30 App 3D Carabiner Walking Pedometer by PINGKO 3DTriSport Walking 3D Pedometer with Clip and Strap 4 Choice Sequential Scanner for the Visually Impaired 4 Plate Communicator Say It Play It 4Talk4 5-Switch 6210 - 0084 USB Footswitch 6310 USB Hand Control Switch 6dot Braille Label Maker 6dot BrailleCoach Standard 7-128 Accessible Games (Various Editions) 7-Level Communication Builders (Various Models) 7-Message Take or Place N' Talk Go Board @Voice Aloud Reader A Special Phone AAC AAC Autism myVoice Communicator AAC Evaluation Genie AAC Keys AAC TALKING TABS aacorn AAC AACSpeechBuddy Abbreviated Profile Of Hearing Aid Benefit (Aphab) Abilipad Able AAC Able2Talk AbleNet Pillow Speaker ABP GFT Classic ABP KT 10 Small Field Keyboards ABP muscular dystrophic keyboard with HBA ABP Switchmaus ABP Tastenmaus Acapela TTS Voices (Various Models) Accent (Various Models) Access Language Arts Software Access Language Arts: WRITE Software ACCESS Maxi / Medi ACCESS MEDIUM SCAN KEYBOARD Access Switch (Unlimiter) Accessaphone (Various Models) AccessFlexi ACCESSFLEXI 6625 Accessibar Accessibility Express Accessibility Features in Connected Wearables (Generic) Accessibility Features in Mobile Phones (Smart and Simple) GARI [Generic Entry] Accessibility Features in Smart TVs GARI (Generic) Accessibility Features in Tablets GARI (Generic) Accessibility Keyboard Accessibility Plug-ins Accessibility Scanner Accessibility Scanner Accessible Documents Accessible In-Room Safe (Generic) Accessible Podcatcher Accessible Web Directory Accessibyte Arcade AccessNow AccessValet AccuPoint Acesight Acomm Acrobat HD (Various Models) Acta Acticomm Actilino Action Dictionary Activate Braille Display (Generic) Active Braille Active Star Activity Tracker (Generic) Activity Trainer Actuator Driver Adapt This... Adapted Sony Boom Boxes Add-on Touch Screen Addesso CyberTablets ADDvox7 Voice Speech Amplifier (Various Models) aDesigner Adjust Brightness Adjust Contrast (Generic) Adjust Screen Resolution (Generic) Adjust Size of Cursor/Mouse Pointer (Generic) Adjust/Disable Key Repeat (Generic) Adjustable Angle Switch Adjustable Proximity Switch AdMouse Advanced English Dictionary+ Adventures of Karna AEG Memory Box 9 Aeir Talk Ages & Stages Questionnaires (ASQ) (Various Editions) Agrip Aipoly Vision Aira Horizon kit AIS Web Accessibility Toolbar Alarmed - Reminders and Timers Alexicom AAC ALFa READER 3 Alfabet Tastatur (Alphabet Keyboard) Aligning Life Skills to Academics Program Alinea All Access Menus All in One (Various Models) All in One EyeGaze: Irisbond Allora 2 Allreader Alphabets Upper Case - Autism AlphaCore-Hand ALT-Key Access Alternative keyboard (Clavier alternatif) ALVA BC640 Always in Mind AMAneo BTi Amara (Various Editions) Amaya Amazon Echo (Various Models) AMDi Moon Switch Amego Amigo HD Portable Desktop Magnifier AMIS: DAISY 2.02 & DAISY 3 Playback Software Amplified Telephone (Generic) Android Accessibility Suite Andromeda Socket AngelEye Smart Glasses AngelEye Smart Reader Anger and Irritability Management Skills (AIMS) Angle Mouse Angle-izer Digital Sliding T-Bevel AngryTimer Animals From A To Z Animated Toys II Another Lens ANS Mouse Pointer Set Anybook Audio Pen APH Talking Clock APH Talking PC Maps APP2Speak Appliance Timer Switches (Generic) APPlicator AppWriter (Various Versions) Appyautism AraBoard ARASAAC Arasuite AraWord Aria Ariadne Gps Armadillo Army Articulate It! Pro Articulation Forest Articulation Station (Various Editions) ArtikPix - Full ASL 519 Mouse Emulator ASL Animator ASL Tales and Games for Kids Assessment Plus App Assistive Express Assistive Mouse Adapter Assistive Technology Guide Assistive Touch for Android AssistiveTouch (iOS feature) At Accessibility Suite AT Computer Switch Interface ATalker ATbar ATEC Ultra Light Atom Electronic Head Array Attainment Key Chain Talker Attainment SWITCH App Attainment Talkbook Four Attainment Talker (Various Models) ATutor ATZ Audiobooks for the Visually Impaired and the Blind AUD-1 Audex: Accessibility Redefined Audio Bible Audio Descriptions (Generic) Audio Graphing Calculator Audio Notes Audiobook (Generic) Audiobook Base AudioCharta AudioDigit AudioNote AudioPrint Auditory Choice Making Communicator (Model 4399 & 4399B) AuditoryVoIP Aunty Maggie's Recipe Aurelo basic AURO Wählgerät DB 5511 Aurora and Alessio Aurora HD Aurora Suite 2005 Aut2Talk Autism Software Bundle Autism Timer Auto Macro Recorder Auto Typer Auto-Lektor (Various Models) AutoHotkey AutoIt Autoloop 2.0 Automatic Stove Shut Off Automator Automed autonoME (Various Models) AutoVerbal Pro Auvisio Wireless Sports Headset with Bluetooth 4.1 and Battery AVA (Various Versions) Avaz Awareness! App Axelia Azahar b TELl II B&M GTX 32 b-Calm B-Key b-Link B.a.Bar B10Mouse Balabolka Balizzo (Various Models) Bamboo Basic Appliance Controls / Sensory Zone Controller Basic Braille Basic Braille (Various Models) BATS: Blind Audio Tactile Mapping System Battery Device Adapters (Various Models) Battery Interrupters BBC iPlayer Radio BBC iPlayer TV BBC Live Radio BC75XLT 300-Channel Handheld Radio Scanner Be My Eyes Beamz Interactive Music System (Various Models) Beamz Universal Switch Box Beamz Wireless Switch Set Beeline Reader Beginning Reading And Sign Language Video beKEY BeneGrid (Various Versions) BeSpoke Voices Beta beyo CBS Reader Biblecourier Bibliotheekservice Passend Lezen Customization Biblos Big Bang Series Big Beamer Transmitter Big Browser Big Buddy Button BIG Button Music Remote - Bluetooth Big Button Photo Dialer Big Buttons Big Buttons Keyboard (Various Models) Big Dialer (Various Editions) Big Jack Big Keys Keyboard BIG Launcher Big Red BIG Step-by-Step (Various Models) Big Talk Big Track 2 Big-button Loud 50+Db Talking Cid Cordless Phone W/ Slow-playback Answering Machine BigFont Biggy (Various Versions) BIGmack BIGNAMES BigShot Screen Magnifier BiLiPro FootMouse BioAid Birdhouse for Autism Bite Switch GS01 BJOY BUTTON BJOY CHIN BJOY CLICK BJOY HAND (Various Models) BJOY RING BJOY Stick-A (Various Models) BJOY STICK-C Blaze OCR Multi-Player (Various Models) Blind Legend Blindfold Games Series BLINDOWS BlindShell Classic BlindSquare Blink Blissymbolics BLITAB Blood Pressure Monitor (Generic) BLU(E) Communication System Blue Ant S4 True Handsfree Blue2 Bluetooth Switch BlueAssist Bluebee Pal Pro BlueHub BlueScan Type R-Net BlueStar App BlueSwitch BlueTalk Bluetooth FM Car Transmitter (Generic) BLUETOOTH MODULE FOR IDEVICES Bluetooth Mouse Simulator - AMSLXBT Bluetooth Super Switch Bluetooth/MP3 Audio Center Blæksprutten or Squid Board Builder Board Communicator Boardmaker (Various Models) Bob Books Reading Magic #1 Bob Books Reading Magic #2 Bone Conduction Headphones (Generic) Book App for Kids (Generic) Book Creator Book Port (Various Models) Book Wizard (Various Editions) BookDrive (Various Models) Books2Burn BookSense BookShare Web reader Bookworm Boomer Foot Mouse Boop Light Detector Boost Tracer Borne musicale Maklis Borne musicale multimédia Mélo (Various Models) Braci BraiBook Braille Bookmaker Express Braille Computer Keyboard Stickers (Generic) Braille EDGE 40 Braille In Braille Keyboard Braille Screen Input Braille Star 80 Braille2000 BrailleBlaster BrailleKey BrailleMaster BrailleNote Touch Plus Brailleplace BrailleSense (Various Models) BrailleTexts BRAILLEX EL Braillex EL40c BRAILLEX Live (Various Models) Brailliant Braille Displays (Various Models) Braillo (Various Models) Brailon Duplicators (Various Models) Brain Injury Package BrainControl Brainfingers Brainfingers Braze Hydra Braze Sentina (Various Models) Bright Box (Various Models) Bright Red Switch Brighter And Bigger App BrightStar Reader Browsealoud BT (Bluetooth) Small Switch Buchlöwe Buddy Button Build-a-Sentence Buncee Butterfly Button Click Switch Button Pendant Switches (Various Models) Buzz controllers for PS2 / PS3 By Choice C-Series CADET CakeTalking for SONAR CAMBRATECH BBREK Camera Mouse Camloco CamScanner Candy Corn Proximity Sensor Switch (Various Models) Candy HD II (Various Models) Cap Switch capito app Captain's Log: The Complete Computerized Mental Gym Capti Voice Caption Decoder (Generic) Caption Display Captioned Telephone (Generic) CapturaTalk Pocket PC Card Creator Cardzilla CareBW Caribou CARLA CARLO II Carsten Cashculator - Cash Counter Catch the Cow Categories for Language Development Cause & Effect Factory Cause & Effect Series (Various Editions) Cboard CCF-SymbolWriter CCHotKey CD Boom Box CD Boom Box Control Center CD Walkman CD-Ord CDesk Community Edition CDot Tracker Celery Cell Phone For Seniors (Generic) CentralAlert Wireless Home Notification System (Various Models) Cepa Phone by PC Cepstral Personal Voices ChatAble ChatFusion (Various Models) Chattervox 6 Voice Amplifier Chattervox Portable Voice Amplifier Cheap Talk (Various Models) Cheap Talk Switch Module Cherry Keyboards (Various Models) Cherry Standard Keyboard with Keyguard Chewing word Child-Guided Strategies for Assessing Children Who Are Deafblind or Have Multiple Disabilities (Spanish) Children's Stories in Sign Language Chin Switch CHIPSpeaking Choiceworks Choose and Tell (Various Editions) ChooseIt! Maker 2 ChooseIt! Ready-Mades Series (Various Editions) ChromeVox CiaoMondo Cicero Text Reader Cimo Spelling (Sight Words) CineFx Cinema II - Life Skills CineVox Cirque EasyCat AG Cirque SmartCat AG (Various Models) Civikey Clarity Symbols Claro AudioNote Claro FaceMouse Claro MagX Claro ScanPen ClaroCapture Windows ClaroCom (Various Models) ClaroPDF (Various Editions) ClaroRead (Various Editions) ClaroSpeak (Various Editions) Classkick ClassMate Reader Clavicom NG+ Clavidef8 Clavier virtuel AZERTY Clavier+ CLC STAR ClearCaptions ClearNote HD ClearReader+ (Various Models) ClearView C (Various Models) ClearView Go ClearView+ (Various Models) ClicClac Click n' Talk CLiCk, Speak Click-Catch Click-N-Type Click2Speak Click4all ClickAid ClickAndGo Wayfinding App Clicker Clicker Books Clicker Communicator Clicker Connect Clicker Connect SymbolStix Clicker Docs Clicker Sentences CLiCkin 2 Da BeaT ClickIt! ClickScan ClickToPhone ClickToPhone ClipTalk Clock Closeby Network Eldercare System Clover CM-3 Pneumatic Switch CM-BT2 Bluetooth Headset Co:Writer Co:Writer 7 COBRA 11 (Various Models) Cochlear Implant Telephone Adaptor Cochlear Wireless Telefonclip Coglink Cognitive Reasoning Software Package Coin-U-Lator Coin Calculator Cok Free Mouse Emulator Coloco Color Band Color Coded Computer Keyboard Stickers (Generic) Color Correction Color Detector Color Filters Colorblind Avenger ColoredEye Colorino Talking Color Identifier ColorMouse Comfort Clipboard Pro Comfort Keys Pro Comfort On-Screen Keyboard Pro ComLIS Commercial Foot Switch CommonLook PDF Communica 5.5 Communica Klick Communicado Communicate: Symbol Write 2 Communicate: Through Choices Communicator / Mail COMMUNICATOR 2.8 Communicator 4 Communicator 5 Communicator Basic CommunicoTool 2 Community Integration Suite Community Sidekick Community Success Compact HD (Various Models) Compact Keyboard (Generic) Compadre:Gadget Compass Assessment Software Comprehensive Special Needs Software Bundle for Interactive Devices Computer Fingers Computer Keyboard Cover (Generic) Computer Keyboard for Children (Generic) Computer Keyguard (Generic) Compuweb COMUNICA COMUNICO Comunico Con-SIGN-tration Concussion Coach Conference Connect 12 (Various Models) Connect Braille Connect For Speech ConnectLine Phone Adapter ConnectLine Streamer Pro Control de jocs per escaneig d'un teclat Control del mouse mediante órdenes de voz Control IR Transmitters (Various Models) Control Medi (Various Models) Control Omni Control Pro Control Prog CONTROL USB CONTROL+ ConversationBuilder Conversor 3RX Multi-Channel Receiver Conversor Mouse Teclat Conversor Pro Coolspeech Corded/Cordless Phone and Answering Machine Cordless Switch Interface CoreWord Language System Corvus (Various Editions) Cosmo - Danish (Various Models) Cosmo's Play and Learn CoughDrop Counting Songs App (Various editions) CQM - Communiquer Quand Même CREATORE DI TAVOLE PER PINDO PS Creature Chorus Crick USB Switch Box CrossLayer CrossScanner CrystalTone Ringer CST S-button CST650 Trackball Cubigo Cup Switch (Various Models) Cursive - S (Various Editions) Cursor 64 Custom Boards App Cyberon Voice Commander Cylindrical Proximity Switch D-Link DCS 933L Day/Night Cloud Camera - Network Surveillance Camera D-Switch Da Vinci HD/OCR Video Magnifier Dactybraille Typewriter (Various Models) Daisy Digital Recorder/Player Dakim BrainFitness Danish Speech Recognition Darci USB Dasher Dazzle HD (Various Models) dbGLOVE De Audiokrant De Braillekrant Décodeur TNT Vocal Dect 6.0 Expandable Digital Cordless Phone With Answering System Dectalk TTS demensZonen Described and Captioned Media Program DeskBot Desktop Maker Dessins Animés Personnalisés Dexteria Día a Día (Day by Day) Dial Easy Dial-Less Telephone (Generic) Dialects MMX-3 & Optimist MMX-3 Dialog 3.0 DIALOG AAC DialTalk Pocket Telephone Dialler DIAS Netbeans IDE plugin & Standalone Dicom DicoMIS (Various Models) Dictate Dictation Dictée Logolexy Dictus Digi-Wave Digi-Wave Personal Communication System 2 Digicite Digikrant Digit-Eyes App Digital Body Weight Scale (Generic) Digital Books for Kids (Generic) Digital Indicator (Generic) Digital Kitchen Scales (Generic) Digital Magazine, Journal, or Newspaper (Generic) Digital Measuring Tape (Generic) Digital Pens (Generic) Digital Pill Dispensers (Generic) Digital Ruler (Generic) Digital Timer (Generic) Dino Games Series (Various Editions) DIPAX ClickMaster DIPAX ControlBox DIPAX HeadMouse 3D DIPAX MultiBox DIPAX ScanMouse with SensorBox Dipsy Discover:Board Discover:Switch Discovering Cued Speech Instructional DVD Box Set DiscoverPro Divide N Play DKey DL Tag It DMH25 Screen Mirroring Wi-Fi HDMI Dongle Do Not Disturb (Generic) DocReader DocsPlus Doctor Tea Document Cameras (Various Models) Document Scanner (Generic) DocuScan Plus DokuBraille Jumbo DokuBraille Mini Dokuphone II Reading System Dollar & Cents Software DomoPad'Com Verbo DonnerLaParole Doro Experience for PC / Android Tablet Doro HandlePlus 334gsm Doro MemoryPlus 309 Dial Pad Doro Memoryplus 335 Locator Dot Mini Dot Translate Dot Watch Dot Watch 2 Double-Click Speed (Generic) Doubletalk Chipset (Various Models) Dr. Language: Speech Training Dr. Speech: Real Speech Dr. Speech: Speech Therapy Dr. Voice: Phonetogram Dr. Voice: Voice Assessment Draft:Builder 6 Dragger Mouse Button Software Dragnifier Dragon Anywhere Dragon Dictation Dragon Go! Dragon Home Dragon NaturallySpeaking Home Dragon NaturallySpeaking Premium Dragon Professional Individual Dragon Search Dream Tab App (Various Editions) DSpeech Dt Trainer Dual Switch Latch & Timer DuoCom Durable Foot Switch DuraPoint Dutch Sign Language on CD-ROM Duxbury Braille Translator (DBT) Dwell Clicker 2 DwellBuddy Dynamic Keyboard DynaWrite 2.0 Dys-mots Dys-Vocal suite DyslexiaKey Dyslexie E-book (Generic) E-bot E-mail Programma Vereniging Afasie Vlaanderen e-Mintza E-reader (Generic) e-Speaking E-Text Reader E-triloquist EagleEyes Earcatch Earfy Early & Advanced Switch Games Early Counting Skills - Autism Series Early Learning Suite Ease Joypad Ease Mouse Ease Touch Easitrax Easy Access 5 Easy Braille Bluetooth Easy by Voice Easy Cat 160 Easy Rider Easy Talking Notepad EasyConverter EASYeyes EasyLink 12 Touch EasyMATH EasyProducer EasyReader EasyReader (Dolphin) EasyTutor Eclipse Scholar 2 Digital Magnifier EClipseReader ECO Mobile Package MH-8015 ECTkeyboard Edgeless EdgeWrite Edmark Functional Word Series (Various Editions) EdWord eeZee Mouse EG-ErgoArm Egg Switch EIA - Enhancing Internet Access Ekiga El Xerraire ElBraille Elderis Eldy Electra Electric Perkins Brailler Electric Stapler (Generic) Electronic Fish Bite Alarm (Generic) Electronic Handheld Bibles Elevate - Brain Training Eline Sagt (Eline Says) Eline Spreekt (Eline Speaks) Eloquence Elr (Extra Language Resources) Emacspeak Embrace2 Emergency Dialer (Generic) Emerson Large Display Caller Id Emfit Epilepsy Alarm Emfit SafeBed EMU Word Prediction Emuclic enAble 50 Enable Eyes Control Bar Enable Viacam (eViacam) Enabler Alarm Enabler Electric Motor Enabler Radio Frequency Receiver (Various Models) Enabler Socket+ Endeavor 3 Endeavor Smartstation Ii - Single User Pro Edition Endeavor Talker Pro Software Endless Alphabet English Talking Dictionary Enhance (Various Editions) EnorMouse enPathia Envision AI Equaleyes Accessibility Equals Mathematics EquatIO Equidox by Onix ErgoClick Ergonomic Keyboards (Generic) Ergonomic Mice (Generic) esight eSpeak Essence Language System ESSENTIAL ACCESSIBILITY esys Series Etekcity S9 130-Feet Eticode Eton FRX3 Weather Alert Radio Eton FRX5 All-Purpose Bluetooth Weather Radio eType Euroscope Apex Eurovocs Suite EVA Facial Mouse eValues Everest-D V5 Braille Embosser Everyday Skills & Everyday Skills - Pocket Edition Everyday-Life Reading and Writing Practice (Various Versions) evoMouse Experia IRiS+ App Experia USA Living Scenery Projector Bundle for Dropped Ceilings Explora explorē Handheld Electronic Magnifier (Various Models) Explore Series (Various Editions) Explorer HD Exploring Nouns and Verbs Express Scribe Expressive External Keyboard Helper Extra Loud Alarm Clock With Bed Shaker (Generic) Extreme Reader XR-10 Eye Can Fly Eye Glasses Camera Eye Reader PRO Eye-Com Board Kit Eye-D (Various Models) Eye-Pal (Various Models) Eye-Scan (Various Models) Eye-Snap (Various Models) EyeAssist Eyeblinker EyeClick EyeControl Eyeflite Ava Eyegaze Edge Tablet Eyegaze Edge Talker EyeGaze Education Classroom Pack EyeGaze Learning Curve EyeHarp EyeMine EyeMobile (Various Models) Eyenote Eyes-Free Shell eyespeak EyeTech TM3 EyeTech TM4 EyeTech TM5 Mini Eyeworld 3.0 EZ Keys EZ Keys Xp EZ Speech PRO EZScan 300 / 310 / 320 F123 Visual F123Access Fabula Face Read (Various Editions) FaceMOUSE Falck 5716 Remote Control Fame Color Identifier FARFALLA PROJECT Fat Cat Chat Fatbits FAVI FE02RF-BL Mini Keyboard Feelif (Various Models) Feelif's World Fiber-Optic Eye-Blink Switch Find a Word Find It Tracker Find Out & Write About Find The Buttons Fine Motor Fundamentals FineReader Finger Button Finger Guide Keyboard 110 Keys Finger Guide Keyboard 78 Keys Finger Isolation Button Finger Switch Fire Vox First Aide Kit First Author First Categories First Keys 3 First Letters And Phonics (Various Editions) First Phrases HD (Various Editions) First Then Visual Schedule First Words and Verbs First Words Animals First Words Christmas First Words Deluxe First Words Feelings First Words Halloween First Words International Home HD First Words Professional Five Finger Typist Fl4Sh Deluxe Kit Flashing Telephone Alert (Generic) FlashWords AAC (Various Editions) Flat Mini Beam Proximity Switch Flex Switch Flexable Switch FlexCam 2 Document Camera Flexi Adaptor with Timer, Latch, Play/pause Flexible Computer Keyboard (Generic) Flexible Switch Flexiboard FlickType Keyboard Flip Writer AAC FLipMouse Flipper Remote Flowy! Fluency TTS Fluency Tutor fluLeSy kompakt "Leselöwe" FM ADA Compliance Kit FM ADA KIT 37 RCH FM Personal Solutions Focus Blue (Various Models) Focus GPS Folding Computer Keyboard (Generic) Following Directions (Various Versions) Font Size Adjustment (Generic) Foot Switch Forget-me-not Calendar Form Pilot (Various Models) Fossil Nate Analog-Digital Stainless Steel Watch FotoFrez FotoOto Four Compartment Scanning Communicators w/Levels Fox Foxit Reader Foxlinq FoxySymbols FoxyVoice FR1 Mini Emergency Radio Franklin SAT-2400 Princeton Review Pocket Prep for the New SAT FREE Modular Programmable Keyboards Free Speech for Android FreeClav 2009 Freedom Switch Freehand FreeMind FreeOCR Software 5.4.1 FreeRider 4 Swith iPAD Interface FreeRider SEN Wirefree Bluetooth Joystick FreeRider USB to Bluetooth Converter French Talking Dictionary FrogPad 2 FrogPad NoteTaker / SoftFrogPad FTB-TippFixx Fun Painting Fun With Directions (Various Versions) Functional Living Skills And Behavioral Rules CD Functional Skills System Furdy (Various Versions) Fusion Fuzzbuzz (Various Editions) G.TEC - INTENDIX GalaPro Galileo Game Commander Game World: Play With Friends Gaming Computer Keyboard (Generic) Gaming Mice [Various Models] Gaudio-Leser LS20 Gaudio-Voice Gaze Point GazeTalk Gboard - the Google Keyboard GE Business Pro HD Webcam Gé-Mouse Gemini Braille Printer Genie+ Genlyd 2.0 / Phrase-it 2.0 GentleMouse Geoboard, by The Math Learning Center German Master "Easy" System Gespreksboek Lite Gesproken Ondertitels GEWA Andromeda BED GEWA ANDROMEDA Receivers GEWA Connect Gewa Duocom GhostReader App (Various Versions) Ghotit iPad & iPhone Dyslexia Keyboard Ghotit Real Writer Ghotit Real Writer & Reader (Various Models) Ginger Page Girder Automation Software (Various Versions) GlassOuse (Various Models) GlidePoint Trackpads Globus 3 Glucose Buddy (Various Versions) Gma Tank Commander GN8000 Amplifier Gnopernicus Go Read Goal Guide App GObox GOK GOODFEEL GoodReader Google BrailleBack Google Handwriting Input Google Translate Gooseneck Mounting System with Super Clamp Gooshy Switch GoTalk (Various Models) GoTalk Communicator (Various Models) GoTalk NOW GoTalk NOW (Various Versions) GoTalk Overlay Software GoVision (Various Models) GoVisual GoWorksheet Maker iPad App GPS Watch (Generic) Grace App Grammarly (Various Versions) Grandcare Home Monitoring System Grandscurseurs Grasp Switch Greta Gribouill-i Grid 3 Grid for iPad Grid Keys Grid Pad (Various Models) Grid Player App Grip and Puff Switch GroovTube GT mini Trackball Orion GTG Touch Mouse Guardian Ergonomic Office Software Guest Room ADA Compliant Case (Various Models) Guide (Various Versions) Guided Access GuideReader Pod Gumball Switches Gus Mouse Gus! Dwell Cursor Gus! Joystick Mouse Gus! Scanning Cursor Gus! Word Prediction Gyldendal Red Dictionaries Hagen Braille Software System (HBS) HAL (Various Editions) Hamilton CapTel (Various Models) Handapparat T (Various Models) Handheld Trackball Mouse (Generic) Handi 5 SW HandiCalendar Handimathkey Hands-On Experience With The Cranmer Abacus HandyBits Voice Mail HandySpeech HAPP 100 Happy-Time Put-Em-Around (Model 8015) Hark the Sound Hawkeye Access Hawking Toolbar He hajo Head Eye Communication (Various Models) Head Pilot Head Switch Head-foot operation HeadDev HeadMouse Extreme HeadMouse Nano Headset (Generic) Headspace HEADWAY Hearing Aid App Hearing Loop for receptions and desks, set Hearing-Impaired Home Alert (Generic) HearIt Mobile hedoScan B hedoScan K hedoScan M HelpiBox (Various Models) HELPICARE - HELPIEYE EYEGAZE PRO HELPICARE - HELPIEYEKIDS HELPICARE - PARLA CON ME (Speak With Me) Helpiclick Helpieye TM5 PRO Helpikeys HelpKidzLearn EasySwitch HelpTalk HENABLE ZTL Herbi HocusFocus Herbi Speaks Herbi Speech Assistant Herbor Herzog System Of Keyboarding Het Sprekend Boek (Talking Books) HeyTell HIDOM MEDIACENTER - SISTEMA DOMOTICO MULTIMEDIALE HiDOM SmartSet Hidom Talk High School Humanoid Bundle HIMS Chat Hip Talk (Various Models) Hitch 2 Hitch Computer Switch Interface HMC Joystick USB mouse interface HOME PAGE READER 3 by IBM Home Routines Homesaver Homesenser HoneyBee Hook+ Switch Interface Horus Hot Virtual Keyboard Hotkey Control HotSpots HouseMate HouseMate HP Reveal HP Scanjet 8270 Document Flatbed Scanner HT-TM05 TripMate Versatile Wireless N Travel Router Htyp Sprekend klokje (Talking Clock) Htype Hubble Huge Keyboard HumanWare Communicator Hurraki I See What You Say Lip And Speech Reading Program I-loview Magnifier (Various Models) I-Mouse i-Pocarte i-POLLUX I-Series+ i.d. mate Galaxy iABLE iAssist Communicator iBell2 IBG IBM Easy Web Browsing IBM Viascribe ICanEmail iCantHear iCee Better iClick ICOMemo iComm iCommunicate iCommunicator IcoMouse Iconarchive IconArt Ictrl Ida IDAIR Ideal Currency Identifier Ideal Group Reader Ideas iDevices Switch iDocCam iDress for Weather IFTTT iGauge iGuardStove Ihandle IKKIES iKnowU Keyboard ILA (Instant Language Assistant) (Various Models) Illuminated Computer Keyboard (Generic) Illustrate iPad Stand iLNE Spell - Autism Series (Various Editions) Imagine Symbol Set iMeba iMed Reminder HD iMerciv Buzzclip Wearable Mobility Clip for the Blind Imperium Sip And Puff Switch Improv In Sequence - Daily Living Skills In Sequence - Illustrated Stories Inclusive CD Player Inclusive ClassMate (Various Models) Inclusive ClassVR Inclusive Interactive Screen Inclusive KidTRAC Inclusive MultiSwitch 2 Inclusive Serial Switch Driver Inclusive Simple Switch Box Indepen Indic Onscreen Keyboard Indigo Home Automation Software Induction Loop Receiver TH1 Industrial Foot Switch (no guard) Infovox Desktop Infovox iVox Infovox4 InftyReader INGENIEURBURO - T8 Inku InnerVoice InnoTab (Various Models) Innovo Deluxe Fingertip Pulse Oximeter with Plethysmography Technology InPrint 3 insideONE Inspiration Mind-Mapping instaGrok Instant Text 7 Pro Insteon 75790WH Wireless Security IP Camera with Pan, Tilt, and Night Vision Insteon Thermostat IntegraMouse Plus IntegraSwitch Intel Reader IntelliGaze (Various Models) IntelliGaze CAM30NT IntelliGaze IG-30 IntelliKeys USB IntelliSwitch IntelliTactiles Pre-Braille Concepts, Classroom Suite Edition Intellitalk Intellitools Classroom Suite Intellitools Mac Access Pack I And II Intellitools Windows Access Pack I And II Interact-As Communication Suite (Various Models) Interact-AS Voice System Interactive Mouse for PC Interactive Science Bundle for Autism Spectrum Disorder Interactive US Map with Talking Tactile Pen Internet Buttons Intersection Explorer IntoWords Intro to Cause & Effect Invert Colors (Generic) ioParlo iPad iPad Keyguards iPad VoiceOver/Switch Control Controller iPad Wireless Switch Interface iPad Wireless Switches iPad/Tablet Dual Button Box iPad/Tablet HeadPointer iPad/Tablet Super-Switch (H-65) iPad/Tablet Switch Interface (H-66) iPhonic iPicto iPortal 2 App (Various Models) iPractice Verbs IR DIGP IR Quickphone IR-1S Wrist Transmitter IR-1SP Micro IR-8M 230 V IR-CSX Infrared System IR-indicator battery operated iRead iRead iRead Now iReader iReward iRewardChart IRIE Braille Buddy IRIE BrailleSheet 120 IRIE BrailleTrac 120 IRIS On-Screen Keyboard IRIS Ordbank Irisbond Duo IRIScan Book (Various Models) IRIScan for iOS IRIScan mouse (Various Models) IRIScan Pro MultiPage Sheetfed Scanner IRIScan Sheetfed Scanners IrisVision iRotate ISAAC iSignIT-app iSmart iSpeak Button IssieBoard iStudiez Pro iSwitch IT Mouse Skills It's Done! it-Control It-Control Lite it-Receive it-Send iTalk2 with Levels Itongue ITouchiLearn Life Skills: Morning Routines iTouchiLearn Words ITR-100A HD Radio iTracker iTremor Mouse iTrivia Palmkey ITU Gaze Tracker Itzbeen Pocket Nanny IVEO 3 Hands-On Learning System (Various Versions) IVONA Voices Iwritewords iWriteWords iYomube IziOzi iZoom Magnifier/ Reader (Various Versions) J-Pad J-Say Jabra Tour Bluetooth Speakerphone Switch Adapted Interface JABtalk Jambu Japplis Speech Jawbone JAWS Jay JayBee JClicFressa JCS Invoice Manager Software Jelly Beamer Twist Transmitter Jelly Bean Twist Jibo JLR Gear Key Finder Job Readiness and Training: Transition to Work JOBMATE Jobmate Touch Jordy Stand Jouse (Various Models) JoyBox JoyCable Joystick (& Mouse) Trainer Joystick Switch (Generic) Joystick To Mouse JoyToKey JPemulator Juliet 120 double-sided braille embosser Jumbo Switch (Various Models) Jumbomausmini / Jumbomausmaxi Jumbomini / Jumbomidi / Jumbomaxi Jupiter Jupiter Portable Magnifier Just Gestures Just Touch K-Reader Kanghooru Kapten Mobility GPS Kasa Smart Wi-Fi Plugs and Outlets (Various Models) KBT Coperniko Browsing Tool Keeble KEO KEO Infrared receiver for PC Key Largo D43 Key Switch Box Key Word Sign Australia App Keyboard Finger Guides for Apple Keyboards Keyboard Maestro Keyboard Menu Shortcuts (Generic) Keyboard Phrase Shortcuts (Generic) Keyboard Replacement Keyboard T16 (Clavier T16) Keyboard Tray (Generic) Keyboard Tutor Keyboard with Trackpad (Generic) Keyboarding By Ability Keyboarding for Individual Achievement (Various Editions) KeyboardX KeyClicker Keyguard (Generic) KeyStrokes KeyTalker, the Talking Keyboard KeyVit KHYMEIA Kid Keys Kidiso Kids Computer Mouse (Generic) Kidspiration KIM Sensoradapter USB KinderTEK Kinetic Kit Ti Guido KjempeKnotten KKmoon RFID Proximity Door Entry Access Control System + 10 Key Fobs Kliktime KLIQ TinyTune Tuner Pedal for Guitar and Bass KNFB Reader KNX Controller Kobaspeech 4 KomFox Innovision KomFox Performer Kompaï Koohala KURZWEIL 1000 FOR WINDOWS Kurzweil 3000 KwikLoupe L3 Skills La Mia Voce LA-240 Induction Loop Amplifier LA-60 Induction Loop Amplifier LA-90 Portable Induction Loop System LAMP Words for Life LanguageLinks: Syntax Assessment And Intervention LapTalk Computer Laptop Mounting System (Generic) Laptop Stand (Generic) Large Button Activation Switch Large Button Telephone (Generic) Large Cell Brailler Large Display Alarm Clock (Generic) Large Display Digital Watch (Generic) Large Pointers Launcher6 Lava for tvOS Layout-Smart Class II Laser Distance Measurer, 262-Feet (Red) Lazarillo LaZee Mouse LCD Reader Le Dico de la santé Leaf Contact Leaf Switch Leap Band LeapFrog LeapPad (Various Models) Learn Keys: Verbal Keyboard Feedback Learn to Read (Various Editions) Learning About The Neighborhood (Ln) Learning Ally Audio Learning Resources Tock The Learning Clock Learning Tools Learning Two Switch Step Scanning Lechal Footwear Lector Speed Lectura de llibres per a invidents Lectura de Textos 3 LED Stand Magnifiers (Various Models) Lees en Praat Lees je mee? Lees Mee! - eBooks Left-Handed Computer Keyboard (Generic) Lenovo Multimedia Remote N5902 Les Pictogrammes LeseAs Junior 4.0 LeseAs quattro 4.0 Lesephon Lesephon APS Lesephon Notebook Lesephon Privat KMS Lesephon Privat MMS Lesephon USB LeseTiger (Various Models) LESHP Black GPS Mini GPS Tracker Locator LessonBoard (Various Models) LessonPix Let's Talk Let's/Speak LetmeSayIt LetMeTalk LetMeType LetNet Letter Art 9.4 With Braille Translator LetterReflex LetterSchool Lettore Daisy Reader Lex Lex Air Lexia II Lib Switch Libri e Audiolibri in Italiano Libro Parlato CILP Life Skills Curriculum Life Skills Winner App LifeStyle HD730 LIFETOOL Euro Apps (Various Editions) Light Detector Lighted Magnifier Lightning Express Lightning Plus with Speech Lightwriter (Various Models) Lime Aloud Lingraphica AAC Communication Devices (Various Models) LinkSwitch LipSurf Lipsync LireCouleur Word processor lisa Alert System (Various Models) LISA-Stick LISAcompact LISAmemo Listen & Respond (Various Versions) Listen To Me Literacy Productivity Pack LiTex Little Fingers LITTLE Step-by-Step with Levels (Various Models) LITTLEmack Live Transcribe LiveDescribe Living Safely Livres audio (Audio Books) Llegir LM-2020 Joystick LM-2100 Joystick Locabulary Lite Logan ProxPAD choice maker Logan ProxTalker Modular AAC Device LOK8U Freedom LOMAK Lone Wolf Look & Listen Look to Learn Look to Read Look2learn Looking For Words Lookout Looky 4+ Looky Video Magnifier (Various Models) Loop Personal Solutions LOOPHEAR150 – LH150 Loquendo ASR Loquendo TTS Loud Steps Low Vision Keyboard (Generic) Low Vision Keyboard Stickers (Generic) Low-Vision Calculator (Generic) LowBrowse LS 20 CR LUCY 4 Luisterpunt (Listening point library) Lumosity M-8 M.U. 15 Libra M.U. 15 Sagittarius v2 M5 Handheld Video Magnifier (Various Models) M62 / M62ta USB Mini Keyboard Maavis Mac Mouse Recorder / Macro Recorder MacCaption/CaptionMaker (Various Editions) Macro Express MacroMaker Maestro 3.0 Maggie MAGic Magic Cursor 2000 Magic Drive Touch Magic Flute Magic Wand Keyboard MagicEye MagicJoystick MagicKey MagicKeyboard MagicSwitch Magma Magnifier Magnifier Free Magnifixer Magnify MagniLink (Various Models) MagniLink iMax MagniLink PCViewer Software MagniLink Read MagniLink Vision (Various Models) MagniLink Voice 2 MagniLink Zip Premium Magnitalk MAGpie Magpie 2.0 Mail2Voice Maily Makaton Make Sentences Makey Makey GO Maltron Head/Mouth Stick Keyboard Mandala Paint MANOtouch (Various Models) Mars HD Marvel Math Match It Match Maker plus Quiz Creator Match Pix Math Flash Math Robot Mathematical Flex MathPad By Voice MathTalk Mathtype Matrakes Esspacial (Words that Speak) Matrix Maker Plus Matrix Maker Plus MauSi Pro (Various Models) MauSi scann MAXCOM Comfort MM715 SOS MaxCom Senior Phones [Multiple Models] Maxess Switch Mounts Mazes - Switch Accessible Mbraille (Various Models) Med Reminder Pro Medcoach Medication Reminder Medi-Prompt Medical Computer Keyboard (Generic) Medication Reminder Medication Reminder (Generic) MediMemory Mediwrite Medley MEE Audio Connect Bluetooth 4.0 Transmitter for TV MegaBee MegaDots Megavoice Audio Bible (Various Models) Meine eigene Stimme (My own voice) mem Mem-x Memo Timers (Various Models) MEMOday Mémoldée MEMOplanner (Various Models) Memoria MemoryPrinter 2000D MeMoves Memrabel 2 MessagEase MetaTalk MEville to WEville Mexican Sign Language/American Sign Language Translator Mezzo (Various Models) Mica MICE MICE Micro Light Switch Micro Rolltalk P7 Micro Voice Voice Amplifier microFenix Microloop III (Various Models) Microsoft Agent Microsoft Cortana Microsoft Fluent Fonts Microsoft Reader MicroStar Midas Touch Mijn Plan in Beeld (My Plan in Picture) Milestone 112 Ace Milestone 212 Ace Milestone 312 MimioPad Min første ABCD (My First ABCD) Mind Express 4 Mindfulness Coach MindTags MindView 7 Mini Beamer Receiver Mini Beamer Transmitter Mini Computer Mouse (Generic) Mini Four-Position Stereo Jack Box Mini Keyboard with Magnetic Stylus Mini Keyboards (Various Models) Mini Moon Proximity Switch Mini Switch Mini-Auggie H-19 Mini-SwitchPort Minicom IV Minimal Pair Pack MiniPRO 2 Mouse MiniWeb Mintyvox Pro Minus Drills Minuum Keyboard Miss Elly Voorleesapparaat (Reading Machine) Mission Control MisterBLISS Mitch Mouse Emulator mmFollow Mobi 2 Mobile Accessibility Mobile Daisy Player Mobile Device Case (Generic) Mobile Device Grip (Generic) Mobile Device Screen Protector (Generic) Mobile Device Stand (Generic) Mobile Magnifier Mobile Reader Mobile Speak Mobile VoicePro Laptop mobile112 Mobiline MobilLux Digital Touch HD Portable Magnifier Model Me Going Places 2 ModelTalker Modular Evolution Modular Evolution ModularHose Assistive Technology Kits [Various Options] MOMO Money Reader Money Skills (Model 0670) Money Talks Money Talks Monitor Mounting System (Generic) Mono Audio (Generic) MonoMouse Mood Coach Moon+ Reader Pro Moozi Joystick Morseall MorseWriter Motion Sensor Monitoring (Generic) Motrix Mouse Button-Box Mouse Emulator Mouse Gestures Mouse Interface 5 (MI-5) Mouse Keys (Generic) Mouse Locator (Generic) Mouse Mover (Various Models) Mouse Simulator (Various Models) Mouse Smoothing Software Mouse Switch Adapted "Left Click" Mouse switchbox Mouse&Caret Buddy MouseCage Mouseketeer MouSenseAccessibility Mouser 4 MouseTrack MouseTrap Mousetweaks Mousetweaks Mousse Joystick Movement Sensor Switch Moverio BT (Various Models) Moverio BT-300 Smart Glasses (AR/Developer Edition) Moverio Pro BT-2200 Smart Headset MovieReading Moving Forward MozBraille MPB (Mouse por barrido) Mulberry Symbols Multi Function Panel Multi Magic Touch Interactive Units Multi-Device Computer Keyboard (Generic) Multi-Scan 4.0 CS Multi2 switch box MultiKey (Liberator) Multisensory Motivator MultiView HD MultiWeb Mwd-465 Merriam-Webster Intermediate Dictionary With Spell Correction My 1st Mouse My First Keyboard My Freedom To Communicate My Own Bookshelf My Pictures Talk My Tiny Reminder My Words My Words App My-own-voice My-T-Mouse My-T-Pen My-t-soft My-T-Touch MyBee myCall-to-Text Mycestro MyChoicePad MyGait Elite II myGaze n Eye Tracker myGaze Power MyLife MyReader MyScript Memo MyScript Nebo MyStick MyTalkTools Mobile MyTobii P10 MyTTY 3.0 MYWRITER MyZone nabi 2S Nabi Junior Nasometer II Natural Voices - SAPI 5 Compatible NaturalReader (Various Versions) NavCog Navegador Web Parlat NaviGaze Nearby Explorer NeatMouse Neckloop (Generic) Nemeth Tutorial NeMO My Voice App Neofect Pegboard Neofect Rapael Smart Home Rehab (Various Models) Nessy Fingers Nessy Numbers Nessy Reading and Spelling NetECHO NeuroNode Trilogy New Frog & Fly Newsela News‑2‑You Next Generation Text (NGT) Lite App NextUp Talker Ni-Yon Nib & McNib Clickless Software Niki Talk NimPro Nitro Jr. Notebook No Hands Mouse no Sleep No-Keys Nohandcom Noise-Canceling Earbuds (Generic) Noise-Canceling Headphones (Generic) Nombres en lettres (Numbers in Letters) NomusNavigator Non-Adjustable Proximity Switch NoSquint Notability Note Studio NotePager Pro Notes Notetalker Notification Timing (Generic) Nouns & Sounds NOVAchat (Various Models) NPointer NTE Hub Ntouch (Various Editions) Nuance Automatic Speech Recognition Nuance Text-to-Speech (Various Models) NuEye Tracking System Number Sequence - Autism Series Number Slide Compact Keyboard Numeric Keypad (Generic) Numeric VDN with Danish Speech NVDA Screenreader ObjectiveEd Games OBR OCR Anastasis OCRTools Image to Text Desktop Ocudict Odd One Out odt2braille odt2daisy Off We Go! (Various Versions) Office Lens for Windows Office Reader OmniPage Ultimate omniReader On-Screen Keyboard (OSK) for Windows On-Screen Keyboard Portable Onboard integration One Switch Mouse One-handed Computer Keyboard (Generic) OneNote OneVoice OneWay OnScreen On-screen Virtual Keyboard OnScreen with Word Complete OnScreenCommunicator OnScreenKeys ONYX (Various Models) Open Eyes Open Mind Speech Open Sesame OpenBook OpenDyslexic OpenEducationDisc Opengazer Opis 60s micro hEar Optical Finger Mouse (Generic) OptiKey Optipoint Optrofon II Optron PCT Orakel Oralux Orato orbiTouch Keyless Keyboard Orbitrack OrbiWriter Orby Switch Orca OrCam (Various Models) OrCam MyEye 1 Original Receiver Orion TI-84 Plus Talking Graphing Calculator ORIONWebbox Oticon ConnectClip remote/partner Microphone Otsimo Otto Bock Bluetooth Module Outrigger Over 40 Magnifier And Flashlight App Overhead Induction Loop Overlay Maker Ovo Object Locator Oxford Dictionary of English P3 Mobile Pablo Pacman Talks Paddle Pong PageBot for Amazon Kindle Pages Paint.NET Painting Pal Pads Panasonic Call Block Button (KX-TGA710) Pancake Switches Panda (Various Models) Panopreter PapooPilot Park'n'Forget Parla con un Click Partner/Plus (Various Models) Pasco Passa Planes Patriot Platinum (Various Models) Patriot View (Various Models) Patriot Voice Plus Patriot VRM (Various Models) Paws Signs Stories Payphone TTY PCEye (Various Models) PCEye Explore PCEye Go Pdf Equalizer Ml PDF Reader PDF-XChange Viewer Pearl Pebble Handheld Magnifiers (Various Models) PECS IV+ PECS PHASE III Pedius Peek and Seek Peeping Musicians Pen Scanner (Generic) Pen Tablet (Generic) Penclic Mouse (Various Models) Penclic NiceTouch T2 Penfriend XL Penfriend XP Penguin Ambidextrous Vertical Mouse PennyTalks Pererro iOS Switch Adapter (Various Models) Pererro+ Perfect Ocr Perkins Brailler PerkyDuck Personal Amplifier (Generic) Personal Interactive Communication Systems Personal Life Skills Curriculum Personal Pager Personal Reader Personal Success Personal Talker Personify Voice Recording System Petite Pillow Switches Petralex Hearing Aid App PharmaBraille Phone Flash 2 Phone Mate Phone Mounting System (Generic) Phonics Keyboard PhonoPix - Full Photo Dial Telephone (Generic) Picasso Series Pick & Choose Pics Aloud Lite Pictelia Pictello Pictendo Picto-Selector Pictoaccess PictoBrief Pictocom SE PictoPrint Pictovici PictoWorks 1.0 Picture Cue Dictionary Picture It Picture Master Language Software (PMLS) Picture Planner Picture Plate Switch Picture Scheduler Picture the Sentence Picture This... Pro Picturebraille Piko Button (Various Models) Pikobutton ability switches (Various Models) Pill Monitor: Drug Minder Pill Prompter Pillboxie Pillow case switch Pillow Switch Pillow Switch on Easy Flex Mount Pilotus Pinch Switch PixWriter PL-200 Planet Wobble Plaphoons Plate Switch Platets Voladors (Game of Flying Saucers) Play Attention (Various Models) PlayerForAll Playstation 3 Wheelchair Interface Plazma Plextalk Linio PLEXTALK Pocket PLS-X1 Plus More Plustek Book Reader BAT Pneumatic Switch Pneumatic Switch Kit Pocket Endeavor Suite Pocket Picture Planner Pocket Picture Planner HD Pocket Recorder Pocketalker (Various Models) PocketShopper App Poet Compact (Various Models) Point Display Dot View DV-2 point it Traveller’s Language Kit App Point To Pictures Point-N-Click Pointing Magnifier PolyAndro-7 and PolyAndro-10 Portable CD Player with Radio Portable Handheld Scanner (Generic) Portable Infoloop Portable Recorder PTR2 Portanum PortaPrinter 2000 Standard PortaView 20 Junior Portset Digital Media Centre Portset Text Reader Portset Typing Tutor for Visually Impaired Positivity Possum Chin Switch Possum Sero! Infrared Telephone Power Chord Braille Keyboard Power Reader Power TV Glasses 2.1x PowerLink 4 PowerTalk Practice Street Crossing Pragmatic Organisation Dynamic Display (PODD) Prancha Livre de Comunicação Prancha Multiplataforma Livre Pratsam Reader App Pratsam Reader Web Pratsam Reader Win Pre-GED Multimedia Curriculum Predictable Premier To Go Prepositions! Presage Present Pal Presto Primo! Environmental Control Unit Print, Play & Learn #1: Old Mac's Farm PRiO (Various Models) Prisma Prizmo Prodigi Desktop electronic magnifier Prodigi Duo electronic magnifier ProfiLine ProGlove Scanner (Various Models) Progress star USB PROLOOP FSMplus Proloquo Proloquo2Go Proloquo4Text ProSlate Series ProtoType ProxTalker App (Various Versions) PTN2 Cross Publisher Puff Switch pVoice QR Code Reader & QR Scanner Quaakin Quaderno QuadJoy 3 QuadMouse Quadstick QualiCAM QualiCLICK QualiEYE QualiHOME QualiKEY QualiMAIL QualiPHONE Pro QualiRADIO QualiSMS QualiSPEAK PRO QualiSURF QualiTV QualiWEB Pro QualiWORD QualiWORLD Quarter Hour Watch Question Builder Quha Kajo Button Switch Quha Sento MP Quha Vido Quha Zono Quick Glance 3 QuickCaption QuicKeys QuickList QuickTac QuickTalker (Various Models) QuickTalker Freestyle (Various Models) Quintet Quizbot QuizWorks USB Switch Interfaces QwikList Voice R Intensive SLP R-net Bluetooth Mouse Module R-net Omni R.A.T. (Rodent Activated by Touch) Radio Link For Switches Radioboeken - Talking Books RadioOrpheus RadSounds (Cause/Effect and Music Player) Rainbow Sentences Randomizer Gamer Range extender RapidKeys RapidSet RapidTyping RapiTap Accessible Game (Various Models) Rata Plaphoons Ray RAY Vision RCA Multi-Device Universal Remotes REACH Interface Author Read a Line Read a Text Read It Read Mode (Generic) Read Pad Read With Me (Various Editions) Read without click Read&Write Read2Go Read:OutLoud 6 Readability ReadDesk ReadEasy Move Reader Reader or Lecteur Médialexie Reading Intervention Bundle for Interactive Devices Reading Package Readiris Series (Various Models) ReadIt Readit (Various Models) Readplease 2003 ReadSpeaker speechMaker Readtopia Ready Set Sign Music Book with CD and DVD Ready to Print RealSpeak Solo RealSpeak Telecom Rebus Symbols Reconeixement de fonemes Reconocimiento de vocales Recreability Reduce Motion (Generic) Reduce White Point Reflective Beam Proximity Switch Relax IR Learning Module Remember The Milk Remote Commander Remote Control ARCs (Various Models) Remote Control Touch (Various Models) Remote Mouse Remote Stop - Universal Remote Stop GB PM RemoteKeys Reporter Smart Reporter Smart 2.1 Reqall Responder Responsable Personal Alert System ResQLink Retina Series RETISSA Display Reveal 16 Revibe Watch Ribbon Switch RIDBC Auslan Tutor Ridge switch Right Click idea (Clic droit idée) Ring Presenter RiVO (Remote Interface to VoiceOver) RM Easiteach RNIB PenFriend Robert, din nye høreassistent (Robert, your new hearing assistant) Robo Task RoboBraille RocketKeys RogerVoice Roll Bar Mice (Generic) Roller Plus Switch Box Rolltalk (Various Models) Rolltalk Designer for PC / Tablet Rolltalk Nova Text Romeo 60 single-sided braille embosser rOOki Roomie Universal Home Remote Round Proximity Sensor Royal ATB3 Electronic Bible RSS News Reader RUBY (Various Models) Rugged Computer Keyboard (Generic) Rugged Mobile Phone (Generic) Rugged Tablet (Generic) Runtime keyboard Russian Sign Language/American Sign Language Translator Ruthie Sue and Her Friends Curriculum Safari Reader Safe Laser System SafetyNet SAJE Technology PocketMate Sakhr Sal2 Mangold Braille Reading Program Salsa Script Authoring For Sal Salt (Systematic Analysis Of Language Transcripts) SAM SAM Wireless USB Mouse and Switch Interface SAM-Joystick Samuwrite Keyboard Sanitary Earphone Covers SARA CE Sara SAPI Satellite Iii SAToGo Saucer Switches (Various Models) Savant Elite2 Programmable Foot Pedals (Various Models) SAW - Special Access to Windows Saw5 Lite SAY HI! AAC IPAD COMMUNICATION APP Sayz Me SB-2 Sip and Puff switch SB10 Communication Aid Scan & Paint Scan And Match Series Scan and Read Pro Scan To Pictures Scan2Voice Scan4 ScanBuddy ScanDo! ScanJig (Various Models) Scanmouse ScannaR Scanning Wizard ScanOver SCATIR Switch Deluxe Kit Scene & Heard Scene Speak School Rules! (Various Editions) SCHUBI PicCollection 2 SciPlus-2500 Graphing Scientific Calculator with Speech Sclera symbols Score Scorpius 19 Screader Screen Magnification (Generic) Screen Reader (Built-In) (Generic) Screen Scanner ScreenReader ScreenRuler Scribblescreen ScribeDico Scrible (Various Editions) Securicom Surface-Mounted System See 'n' Solve Visual Fraction Calculator See.Touch.Learn. (Various Editions) Seeing AI Seeing Assistant Home Lite Seeing Eye GPS SeeTech PRO Seika Braille Pin Display (Various Models) SenseView Duo Senso Math Sensor-Adapter SAM2 Sensory Abstract #1 SensoSpeak SENSwitcher Sentence Key (Various Versions) Sentence Match (Various Versions) SentenceBuilder (Various Editions) Sequencer Set Orientation Severe and Profound Disabilities Software Bundle for Interactive Devices SG-110M - Shotgun Microphone with Directional Noise Cancellation and TRRS Plug Shades Shades Of Doom ShapeGo Share to Speech Sharpeye 2 Shoot Shopping Fox ShortKeys and ShortKeys Lite Shouter Pro - The Announcer Show Closed Captions (Generic) Show Me Math ShowMe AAC Shuttle Xpress SIDE Sights 'n Sounds 1 Sign 4 Me Sign Me ABCs Sign Smith ASL (Various Editions) Signing Science Dictionary signolux Alerting System Signtel Interpreter Silver Surf Simple Sentence Structure SimpleAAC SimpleMind SimplicityCam Simply Science Curriculum Simply Switch USB Simply VOICE DICTATION SimplyWorks Control (Various Models) SimplyWorks Energise SimplyWorks For iPad SimplyWorks it-Send Pro SimplyWorks Large Switch SimplyWorks Receive (Various Models) SimplyWorks SEND (Various Models) SimplyWorks Smooth Talker (Various Models) SimplyWorks Smoothie (Various Models) SimplyWorks Switch (Various Models) SinClic Sip/Puff Switch (Various Models) Siri SITPLUS SIUI Apogee 1200 Touch Six Hexapod SixPack Switch Sizzit Skippy Skoog Skwitch Skyle Skype SLAT Receiver Slider Slideshow Maker Slow Keys (Generic) Small Talk w/ Built-in Icon Holder SmallTalk Communication Apps (Various Models) SmallTalk Video Apps SMALLtrack Smart 3 Smart Alex Smart Announcer : Call, Time & Battery Smart Beetle SMART Board SMART Brailler Smart Cat 410 Active Touchpad Smart Door Lock (Generic) Smart Oral Motor Smart Plug (Generic) Smart Reader Smart Scanner - QR & Barcode Smart TV Mounting System (Generic) Smart/128 Smart/Chat Smart/Scan Pro (Various Models) Smart/Speak Smart/Talk SmartAAC Smartbrille NuEyes (Various Models) SmartClick Smartfind SmartLux Digital II Magnifier SmartNav 4 SmartReader SmartReader HD SmartShaker 2 SmartVision2 Smyle Mouse Snap + Core First Snap and Fit Junior Snap&Read Universal Snapkeys SnapType Snapverter Snoezelen Home Kit (Various Models) Snow 12 Snow Video Magnifiers (Various Models) SOCIABLE Social Success Software Softstep Softwriting SofType On-Screen Keyboard SONAR Sonocent Audio Notetaker (Various Versions) Sonumaxx (Various Models) SoothSayer Word Prediction Sophie Pro Text Reader Sophie Text Reader Sorenson Video Center SOS Sordi Sound Amplifier Sound Blaster (Various Models) Sound System for Vibro Acoustic Elements soundAMP Soundbeam SoundingBoard SoundNote SoundPODContact Sounds Like - Spell, Write! Sounds of the House - Lite SoundScope Souricom SpaceMouse Enterprise Spark Nano 7 GPS Tracker Speak A Need Speak for Yourself Speak it Speak It! Speak Screen Speak Up Speak Up Too Speak&Win Speak-A-Message SpeakComputer (Various Versions) Speakeasy Speakfast Speaking Dynamically Pro Speaking Language Master Speaking Pad Speaking Spelling (Various Editions) SpeakIt! SpeakMe Pro SpeakSee Speakup Speaky Facile Special Needs Software Specs Switch Speech Aid Speech Assistant Speech Central: Voice Reader Speech Dasher Speech Journal Speech Recognition (Generic) Speech Recognition Software with Desktop Mic Speech Sounds on Cue Speech Sounds on Cue (U.S. English) Speech synthesis for Micro Rolltalk Speech Tablet Speech Trainer 3D Speech-Over Professional Speech2RTT Communicator SpeechBox SpeechExec Pro Speechify - Text to Speech SpeechNinja Speechnotes SpeechPrompts SpeechStream SpeechWatch Speedy Spell Catcher Spell Checker Spell Well Spell-A-Word Spell-A-Word For Ipad Sphero BOLT App-Enabled Educational Coding Robot Ball Spider Spika Splash Split Keyboard (Generic) Splodge Spok21 Spot on the mouse SPOT Switch Spraak Assistent AAC Spreadthesign Sprich! Spring the Maid Sprint IP Relay Sprint WebCapTel SprintPlus Spubble Lite SS-ACCESS Stages Math Software StaggeredSpeech Standing Desk (Generic) StandScan Snap Star Switch StarGazer StarOffice 4 Kids Start-to-Finish Online Library SteadyMouse Stealth Switch 3 Stelwerk 3 Step Scanning StepPad StepPad Mini Stepz - Step Counter & Tracker Stick Around Sticky Keys (Generic) Stisim Drive (Various Editions) Stories in Flemish Sign Language (VGT) Story Builder StoryMaker StoryPals - Basic StreetCo Strillone String Switch Studio Recorder Stylus Pen (Generic) Sue Center SUITEKeys Sunu Band Super Bumpy Switch Super Spell: A Day At The Beach Super Switch Puzzles Super-Auggie Super-Loud Home/Cell Phone Ringer/Flasher SuperKeys SuperNova Magnifier (Various Versions) Superprint 4425 SuperSpell Grammar (Various Editions) SuperTalker (Various Versions) SuperVision+ Magnifier SUSE blinux SW Talker trådløs SW-Edit SwiftKey SwiftKey Symbols Swifty USB Switch Interface Switch & Glow Switch Accessible Boombox Switch Accessible Matching Switch Accessible Puzzles Switch Adapted DVD Player Switch Adapted Laser Switch Adapted Mouse Switch Adapted Mouse with 1 Port (Various Models) Switch and Touch Progressions (Various Editions) Switch Basics Switch Box (Various Models) Switch Click USB Switch Driver 6 Switch Interface Pro 6.0 Switch It Cursor II Switch Radio Link Switch Skills (Various Editions) Switch Skills for Two (Various Editions) Switch Skills Scanning Switch Software Bundle Switch Viacam Switch-Adapted Bluetooth Speakerphone Switch-Adapted Microsoft Basic Optical Mouse Switch-Adapted Wireless Mouse Switch2Scan Switchamajig Controller SwitchBoard Switcher-4 Switcheroo SwitchHopper SwitchIt! Extra (Various Editions) SwitchIt! Facemaker SwitchIt! Jigsaw Maker 2 SwitchIt! Maker 2 (Various Editions) SwitchMouse SwitchWedge SwitchXS Swype Symbaloo SYMBI KEY Symbol and Concept Coding Editor (aka SYMBERED) Symbol Communication Symbol for Windows Symbol-It SymbolMate Symbols2Write SymbolStix SymbolStix PRIME SymplyMouse SymWriter 2 Synapptic Software System Access (Various Editions) T-Base FASTtrack T-hook T-Series (Various Models) T8braille TabAccess Bluetooth Switch Interface Tablet Keyboard (Generic) Tablet Mounting System (Generic) TableTapper Tactile Symbol Communicator TactileTalk Toolkit TactileView Taction Pads TactPlus Talara-32 Talk 'n Scan Calculator Talk Assist Talkables w/Built-in Icon Holders Talking Alert Talking Calculator Talking Caller Id Unit (Model Ats4403Tg) Talking Checkbook Talking Clipboard Talking Clock (Generic) Talking Dictionary Talking Event Scheduler Talking Faces Talking Food Cans Talking Glucometer (Generic) Talking Goggles Talking Mats Talking Maze Game Talking Notification Girl Talking Photo Album Talking Photo Album Deluxe Talking Photo Album with Personalized Voice Recorded Messages Talking Tactile Tablet 2 Talking Toolbox Talking Tuner Talking Typer Talking Typing Teacher Talking Watch (Generic) Talking Watches (Generic) Talking Word Processor Talking Word Puzzles TalkingBrix 2 TalkingTablet Apps (Various Versions) TalkingWeb Talkrocket Go Talks & Zooms TalkTable TalkTablet Talktime With Tucker TalkTrac Wearable Communicator TAMI TandemMaster-Morse-2-USB Interface Tap (USB to Bluetooth KM Switch) Tap'Touche (Various Versions) TAP-it (Touch Accessible Platform Interactive Technology) Tape 2Pc Cassette Conversion System TAPI Tapio iOS Switch Interface Tapir Tappy Menu Tapspeak Choice Tapspeak Sequence Standard TapTapSee Taptilo Target and Touch Series (Various Editions) Target and Touch: Music TASH CA 5 4353 TASH CA 6 4354 TASH Mouse Mover TASH Penta Switch TASH Win Alternative Keyboards (Various Models) taskAbile Taxi Sordi TDD Communication Trainer System Teach Me Business Start-Up in American Sign Language Teach Me English In ASL (Various Versions) Teach Me Idioms In ASL Teach Me To Talk Teacher's Pet Teaching to Standards: English Language Arts Curriculum TeachTown Basics TeamTalk 5 Tech/Chat (Various Models) Tech/Plus (Various Models) Tech/Scan 8 Tech/Speak (Various Models) Tech/Talk (Various Models) Tecla (Various Models) Tecla Shield Tecla-E Teclado Virtual Livre Teclat Sil·làbic (Teclat Màgic) Teen Tunes Plus Teenage Switch Progressions Tegnehistorier Tel-Time Talking Key Chain TeleCorder Telephone Amplifier (Generic) Telescoping Mouthstick Stylus Tellus (Various Models) TELNET wiTF 20 Optical Call Signal Tense Builder TERA Termite Torpedo TestTalker Tetra Alarm Tetramouse (Various Models) Text a MP3 Text Cloner Pro Text Detective Text Recognition Text Replacement Text To Speech Online (Various Models) Text-To-Audio Text-to-Speech (Generic) TextAloud 3 TextBridge Pro Millennium Texte Parlant Simple TPS7 (Simple Speaking Text) Textease Publisher CT TextExpander TextGrabber TextMarker TextScout Textsound TextSpeak TS (Various Models) Textured Talkable II TFA - Tools For Autism That's How I Feel The Counter Loop The Grid 2 The Hey_ The Jogger The Lime Lighter The Lipstick The Magnifier The MECA System The Medialexy Scribe The MotivAider The Open Voice Factory The Planning and Execution Autonomy Toolkit (PEAT) The Print Shop Deluxe The Seat Cushion Induction Loop The Signs And Words Series (Various Editions) The Swell Form Graphics Machine The Tap The Twiddler The Ultimate American Sign Language Dictionary The vOICe The Wobble Switch Theme Font & Size Changer Therapy Box Switchbox for iPad Thermometer (Generic) Theta Models V, SC, S, and m15 Thinking Home Thumb Switch Thunder-RJ ScreenReader-on-a-Stick Tic Tac Toe TICO Tiger Software Suite (TSS) Time Log (Various Models) Time Timer (Various Models) Time Timer App Time Timer Watch Plus (Various Models) Time to Sign with Children DVD Time Tracker Mini TimeCue Timocco for Home Use Tippse 1.0 tippTalker TippyTalk tiptel Ergophone 12 tiptel Ergophone 307 tiptel ergoVoice 12 Flash Tiresias Fonts TM EyeWay TM-40 Optic Mini-Mouse TM-Touch for Tablets TMspeakdocu (Various Versions) Tobii CEye Tobii Dynavox Compass Tobii Eye Tracker 4C Tobii Sono Scribe Tom Taps Speak - AAC for Kids Tongue Click Switch Toodle Tiles Top-Braille TOPAZ (Various Models) TOQP TotiPm Touch Accommodations Touch and hold delay Touch Funfair Touch Games (Various Versions) Touch Screen Monitor (Generic) Touch-Computer TC8000 Touch-It Virtual Keyboard TouchCD TouchChat (Various Versions) TouchChat Express Touchfire Keyboard TouchRight Utilities TouchSpeak TouchToTell Tour Guide/Assistive Listening System TPB Reader Track-IT! Trackball Computer Keyboard (Generic) Trackball Computer Mouse (Generic) TrackerPro 2 Trackpad (Generic) TrackR Bravo TrackR Pixel Traffic Light Transend SE Transformer USB HD with Wi-Fi Transkript vzw TRASCRIZIONE TESTI IN FORMATO DIGITALE Traveller HD TremorFilter Trigger Switch Triple Talk USB Mini TROUSSE GEO TRACES trueCall Secure trueCall Vi Call Blocker Truemanager Diabetes Management Software TTS Reader TTY Mode (Smartphones) (Generic) Tucan Reader Turn Taking Turn Taking: Switch and Touch Accessible Turn-Talking Turtle Invaders Tux Paint TV Headset (Generic) TV Pro TVSpeak Tweetings for Twitter Twenty Categories Tweri Twin Talk (Various Models) TwoXTen Typ-O Typ-O Type Defender Type to Learn Type2Speak TypeInBraille Typing Assistant Typle U-Switch UbiDuo 2 UKA-Sensoradapter UKsimpel Ultima Ultimate Switch Ultra Light 1 HD Switches Ultra Thin Proximity Switch UltraKey UM506 Universal Module Under-the-Counter Loop System Unimanual Perkins Brailler Unique Learning System Unity Unity Core Universal Phone Amplifier Universal Reader Plus Universal Telephone Alert UniversalReader Compact II Univox Dls-50 Domestic Loop System UnterTitel HExe UnTremor uPAR urVoice AAC – Text to speech with type and talk! USB Switch USB SWITCH INTERFACE 2 USB Switch Interface 8 USB-UIRT USBox Use Your Handwriting Utter Command V Browser V8600A Module Vario 340 Braille Display Vario Digital FHD VarioPro 80 VarioUltra (Various Models) Vast Autism 1 - Core Vast Songs 1 - Intro VASTtx - Key Words VASTtx - Therapy Samples Vehicle GPS (Generic) VEO (Various Models) Verb and Preposition Fill-Ins Verba Voice Verbal Analogies Verbal Victor Verbal View of Windows XP Verbally Verbo VeritySpell Version 7 Seika Braille Pin Display Vertical Mouse (Generic) vEyes Color Detection VHF Wireless Microphone Systems (Various Models) Vibe Vibrating Alerts (Generic) Vibrating Watch (Generic) Victor Reader Stratus12 M Daisy MP3 Player Victor Reader Stream (New Generation) Victor Reader Trek Video Monitor (Generic) Video Scheduler Video Sentry/Intercom (Generic) Video Voice Speech Training System Videomatic Viewscreen Panel Vindicator (Various Models) Vinvision Tracking Systems (Various Models) Vinvision Video Magnifiers (Various Models) VIP PDF-Reader VIP Talking Thermostat (Various Models) Virginia helps the disabled Virgo 4 Virtual Assistant Virtual Assistant (Generic) Virtual keyboard Virtual Magnifying Glass Virtual Motor Skills Virtual Reading Coach VirtualKeyboard VirtuSwitch Vischeck Visio Desktop Magnifiers (Various Models) Visioboard VisioBook VisioDesk and VisioBook HD VisionAssist VisionKey VisioVoice Visolux Digital HD visor - low vision magnifier Visual Alerts (Generic) Visual Assistant Visual Brailler Visual Impact 3 Visual Schedule Planner Visual Timer Visules visuTone ViTex ViTre ViVo Mouse Vizzle Vizzle Interactive Learning Platform VMLite VNC Server VOCA-Pen VocaBeansLite Vocabulary and Grammar Package Vocal Slides II Vocal Synthesis for Android Cellulars Vocale Presse Vocalize! Wheelchair Cell Phone Voice Control System Vocalizer Vocalizer TTS Voice (English) Vocally (Various Models) VocalPC VocaTempo VOCEVIVA AUDIO PODCAST NEWS App Voice (formerly COMOOTY) Voice Access Voice Dream Mail Voice Dream Reader Voice Dream Scanner Voice Dream Writer Voice Mate Voice Memos Voice Of Daisy Voice Pro (Various Models) Voice Reader 15 (Various Models) Voice Recognition Memo Book Voice Recorder (Generic) Voice Ruler Voice Search Voice Selection Voice Switch Voice Texting Pro Voice Tracer Voice Tracker (Various Models) Voice4Me Voice4u Voicebt Switch Adapted Bluetooth Cell Voice Dialer VoiceMeeting VoiceOver VoicePal Levels VoiceReader Voices Speech Synthesizers VoiceSymbol AAC VoiceText Editor VoiceTranscribe VOICEYE Voiceye Maker (Various Editions) Voiceye Maker (Various Models) VOILA VOIce LAbel Reader (Scanner) VOKUL VoMail Vox4All VOXbox VoxGames VoxiTV VoxiWeb Voxoofox VoxReader VOXvia pro VP Columbia VP Cub VP Delta VP Elite VP Elite VP EmBraille VP EmFuse VP Max VP Premier VP Premier VP SpotDot VP SpotDot VR2 - ACTUATOR CONTROL VT3 Eye Trackers (Various Models) Vu-Bar 4 Vuzix M300 WAI NOT Wait4It WakerShaker Walkman Digital Tuning Portable Palm Size AM/FM Stereo Radio includes Sony MDR Stereo Headphones Wander Alert/Perimeter Alert (Generic) Washable Mouse (Generic) Watchminder Water-Resistant Keyboard (Generic) WaxMail WayAround - Tag and Scan Wayband Wayfinder 3 Web Access Gateway Software WEBANYWHERE WebbIE Webbox (Various Models) WebSpeech WEBVISUM Wellness Wizard WeMedia Talking Browser WeMo App Wergen Keyboard Wergen Mouse WeWALK Smart Cane WH Questions WH Questions at Home Fun Deck WH Questions at School Fun Deck What's the Expression Whatz-it Wheel of Sounds Wheelmap WheelMate Whizzimo Whose Future Is It? Widgit (Various Editions) Widgit Discover Widgit Go (Various Editions) Widgit Vocab Wii Controller with Plug Outlet WinAutomation Windbag 3 Window Opener Window-Eyes WindowCatcher Windows Control Windows eyes Windows High Contrast Theme Windows Magnifier Windows Narrator (Screen Reader) WinGuido WinSCAN WinSlate Series (Various Models) Winston Wire with Copper Plate Wireless Christmas Tree Fire Alarm Wireless Gumball Switch Wireless Soundfield system Wireless Telephone Transmitter Wireless transmitter for switch WiViK 3 Wizkeys Plus Wobble Switch Wobble Switch Wobble Switch Wobble Switches WoDy Woodpecker Woordwolk Word Completion (Generic) Word Meanings Word Order Word Wizard for Kids WordAid WordComplete WordPsychic WordQ WordQ 5 WordRead Words in Pictures WordSmith v2.0 WordTalk WordWeb Pro 9 Audio Dictionary WordWise Working4 Worksheet Wizard Wrist Rest (Generic) Write Now Write Support Write:OutLoud WriteOnline Writing Beach WWAAC Web Browser WYNN (Various Editions) X-Keys (Various Models) X-keys Jog & Shuttle X-keys Professional 58 X-keys Sticks X-keys USB 12 Switch Interface X-keys USB 3 Switch Interface X-keys USB Programmable Foot Pedal (Various Models) X-Mouse Button Control X10 Minitimer Xbox Adaptive Controller xMagnetic clip-on Bluetooth speaker XXMaus Y-mouse USB Adapter Yetitablet Yogitype yRead Zany Touch ZebraLight Headlamps ZeitGeist ZenAwake ZenKEY ZetMouse Wen Zikfire Zingui Zingui 2 Zoom Zoom-Ex Zoom-Office ZoomIt ZoomText ZoomText Express ZoomText ImageReader Zumo Learning System ZyBox 2 Switch Adapters (Various Models) ZyBox for iOS ZYGO Voice Amplifier (Various Models) VoceViva Accessibility Type in a product name or choose from the list of product names