
Interactive Science Bundle for Autism Spectrum Disorder

Product Type: 
Device modifier
Manufacturer Name: 
Approximate Cost: $365.00

Product Description: 

Interactive Science Bundle for Autism Spectrum Disorder are science education software programs compatible with interactive whiteboards, TAP•it, and the Intended Touch Platform and designed for students on the autism spectrum. The programs enable students to virtually simulate science experiments, design their own diagrams and experiments, develop scientific method skills, and play games to enhance those skills.

Main Features: 

  • The bundle begins at lower learning levels to introduce scientific reasoning skills. 
  • Older students can use scientific reasoning skills to simulate virtual science experiments and manipulate the variables within the experiments to solve poised questions provided within the program. 
  • Fundamentals of vocabulary, diagrams, charts, and databases are explored in the bundle.
  • The bundle Includes:
    • Flobot: Users gain problem-solving, decision making, memory, and ordering skills as they help Flobot the robot get out of the rainforest safely.
    • The Future is Wild: Explores what our world might be like 5 million to 200 million years in the future while strengthening ICT skills.
    • Return to Mechania: Broadens students' understanding of mechanical principles and problem-solving skills using medieval mechanical machines.
    • Virtual Experiments 3: Includes 15 animated science simulations that can be customized on the fly to illustrate key scientific concepts while strengthening scientific vocabulary.
    • Science Express: Physical Processes: Students learn about physical processes aboard the Science Express. Designed to develop scientific understanding and investigation skills.
    • BBC Science Simulations 3: Allows students to simulate scientific experiments and manipulate them using a plethora of variables.
    • Simulation Explorer: Simulates scientific experiments that would be difficult or impossible to duplicate in real life without allowing the student to see all plausible outcomes of the experiment.

Primary Specifications: 

  • Runs on Microsoft Windows.

Options & Accessories: 

  • Laptop with preloaded software bundles.

More Information: 

See Manufacturer's website.