Product Description:
JClicFressa is an accessible version of JClic, a set of computer applications that serve to perform various types of educational activities: puzzles, associations, text exercises, crosswords, and other activities.
Main Features:
- JClic program with accessibility options.
- Option to view messages in Spanish.
- Automatic and directed scanning.
- Accessibility options:
- Choose the language of the menus (Catalan, Spanish or French).
- Within the Sweep Options, some options can be adjusted to adapt to the functional characteristics of the students.
- Tenths of a second the sweep step lasts: determines the speed of the automatic scan.
- Go through the activity change arrows: If users deactivate this option, the sweep will be limited to the activity boxes without going through the arrows. The sweep will be faster and will avoid involuntarily leaving the activity.
- Activate zone change button: With this option, a red button is added in the scan that allows users to move from the activity boxes to the arrow zone. This option serves to be able to change an activity, preventing the sweep from passing through all the arrows each time, thus speeding up the process.
- Zone Change Activation.
- Go through the arrows if and only if the activity is over: It makes the scan more efficient and the students only change activity at the end.
- Sweeping the flag when passing through the activity change arrows: if we activate this option we will allow the student to activate the flag, mixing the different options again.
- Skip the well-placed points for a certain type of activity: This option allows the scan to no longer go through the options already resolved so the scanning process will be faster.
- In text activities, show a keyboard: When scanning is activated, it makes a screen keyboard appear in activities where you have to type, which can also be used with scanning.
- Virtual keyboard on screen.
- Ways to activate scanning:
- Manually when you need to activate the sweep.
- Activate automatic scan at startup and activate a directed scan at startup: If these options are not checked, they can be activated.
- Manual sweep activation.
- Activate the automatic scan after 5 seconds of not moving the mouse.
- Options to improve visualization:
- Sweep with tremble: Makes the cursor make a small tremor during scanning that makes it easy to see.
- Do not change the cursor to one hand: Makes the arrow always appear, which can facilitate concentration.
- Uppercase: Displays all text in uppercase and facilitates reading.
- Voice Synthesis Options:
- When users start the JClicFressa, they can read a voice message with the chosen voice synthesizer.
- To choose a new synthesizer, go to the menu Escaneig > Options d'accessibilitat> Synthesizer and choose one from the list, which is those that are installed on the computer.
- The synthesizer will only work with scan activated and read the virtual keyboard letters and text puzzles.
Primary Specifications:
- OS:
- Linux.
- Mac OS X.
- Windows XP.
- Windows Vista.
- Windows 7.
- Platform:
- Linux.
- Mac OSX.
- Microsoft Windows.
- Processor: Intel Pentium 4.
- Processor frequency: 166.
- RAM: 32MB.
More Information:
This product is a freeware software available for free download off of the internet from Projecte Fressa, or search for: "open source freeware JClicFressa."