This product has been discontinued.
Product Description:
An 8-inch touchscreen designed for portable augmentative and alternative communication support. It comes with a protective case, a detachable shoulder strap, and a built-in table stand.
Main Features:
- Compact and lightweight.
- A built-in speaker as well as a wireless speaker.
- Provides touchscreen access, as well as switch input and scanning.
Primary Specifications:
- Measures 8.5" by 5.12" by 0.3".
- Weighs 1 lb. 9 oz.
- Capacitive touch, multi-touch screen size 8".
More Information:
This product is discontinued by the manufacturer, but it may still be available for purchase from third party vendors. Try searching the product by name on the internet. Be careful as the manufacturer may no longer support it - or support it for long.