
PCEye Explore

Product Type: 
Device modifier
Manufacturer Name: 


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This product has been discontinued.

Product Description: 

The PCEye Explore provides young or inexperienced users with a simple way to learn how to use eye tracking and gaze interaction, while at the same time preparing them for augmentative and alternative communication. It is an entry-level, peripheral eye tracker that connects to laptop and desktop computers and enables users to move the mouse pointer and perform left clicks using only their eyes.

Main Features: 

  • Features “no-fail” targeting software.
  • Track the user's response with a visible mouse cursor showing where the user is looking.
  • Discreet onscreen heads-up-display indicates whether the user is properly positioned in front of the eye tracker or not.

More Information: 

This product is discontinued by the manufacturer, but it may still be available for purchase from third party vendors. Try searching the product by name on the internet. Be careful as the manufacturer may no longer support it - or support it for long.