Penclic NiceTouch T2
Product Type:
Primary device
Manufacturer Name:
This product has been discontinued.
Product Description:
Penclic NiceTouch is an easy-to-use multitouch touchpad and hand rest combination. It provides functionality together with an ergonomic working position where the hand rests easily on the soft surface.
Primary Specifications:
- The supported platforms for Penclic Numpad are all operating systems that support HID 1.1. These include Windows XP or later, Mac OSX version 10.1 or later and most Linux/BSD flavors. No extra software/driver installation is needed.
- The touchpad supports multitouch.
- USB connection.
- Integrated touchpad 85 mm x 51 mm.
- 0,21 m + 1,4 m cable.
More Information:
This product is discontinued by the manufacturer, but it may still be available for purchase from third-party vendors. Try searching the product by name on the internet. Be careful as the manufacturer may no longer support it - or support it for long.