Product Type: 
Device modifier
Manufacturer Name: 
Approximate Cost: $379.00

Product Description: 

Reading Intervention Bundle for Interactive Devices are software programs compatible with interactive whiteboards, TAP•it, and the Intended Touch Platform and cover the fundamentals of visual discrimination, then moves towards developing phonemic awareness and eventual reading comprehension exercises.  The software covers the building blocks of the reading process with 10 interactive programs.

Main Features: 

  • The Bundle Includes:
    • Eye Track: Help strengthen visual perception skills by training students to recognize, recall, discriminate, and make meaning of what they see.
    • A Busy Day: Follow the daily life of a child while he completes his "Busy Day." The program focuses on concrete everyday language, and users practice reading, writing, and communication skills.
    • On The Ball Spelling: Students use the context of a soccer game to build spelling skills within 4 exciting soccer related activities.
    • Letter Olympics: Assists with the discrimination between the letters "b" and "d" using Olympic sports references. Ideal for students with dyslexia. 
    • Sound Stories: Using 30 fully narrated storybooks, users engage in activities such as identifying letter sounds, recognizing letters, reading, and spelling.
    • Think About 1: Think About! 1 - Follow the lives of two best friends as they explore everyday life in several animated stories. Promotes reading comprehension through true or false, sequencing, matching, and recollection activities.

Primary Specifications: 

  • Runs on Microsoft Windows.

Options & Accessories: 

  • Laptop with preloaded software bundles.

More Information: 

See Manufacturer's website.(link is external)