Robert, din nye høreassistent (Robert, your new hearing assistant)
Product Description:
Robert works on all iPhone and Android mobile phones. Robert replaces speech with text so that the deaf or hard of hearing can read on the phone screen what is being said to him/her and answers in their normal way. The user holds a button down on the screen to talk and let's go of it for Robert to assist. It happens within seconds and will be experienced simultaneously. Danish or English can be selected from Settings.
Main Features:
- Used in all situations where two speak together - not in group conversations and do not speak over each other.
- Location: Speakers must be facing each other or next to each other within a distance of 1½ meters.
- Background noise: There should not be too much background noise.
- Speak clearly: Ask the speaker, if necessary.
- Short whole sentences: Relatively short whole sentences must be spoken without long delays between the words in the same sentence.
- Pause is perceived as a message to Robert to begin translating the fragment of a sentence that has just been said.
- Save conversations by sending as email: With the button "Email text". When saving a conversation, the "Click here when you speak" button must not be used.
- To switch to English, click on "Settings", click on "language" and then click on the English flag, then on "Return". Robert now understands English.
- To return to Danish again click on the Danish flag.
- Robert has a 95% word recognition rate when speaking clear Danish or English.
More Information:
This product is discontinued by the manufacturer, but it may still be available for purchase from third party vendors. Try searching the product by name on the internet. Be careful as the manufacturer may no longer support it - or support it for long.