This is not a page for a specific "Sticky Keys". It is a placeholder for the many Sticky Keys that are out on the market. Because there are so many of them, and they are easy to find by doing an internet search, we do not attempt to include them in our database. See the More Information section for suggested search terms to use.

Product Description: 

Sticky Keys allow users to press multi-key combinations one key at a time. For example, a user can perform "control, alt, delete," by pressing each individually. This allows users with limb differences and other impairments to perform various keyboard commands more easily.

To turn on Sticky Keys in Linux:

Select System Settings> Universal Access.  Select the Typing tab.  Turn on Sticky Keys.  This activates two checkboxes.  "Disable if two keys are pressed together" turns of Sticky Keys if it detects a two-digit typist (who doesn't need it). "Beep when a modifier key is pressed" provides an auditory cue when a modifier is pressed to help the user keep track of the state of the keyboard.

To turn on Sticky Keys in macOS:

Select System Preferences> Accessibility. Select Keyboard from the list on the left.  Select the Hardware tab, then check the box to Enable Sticky Keys. The Options button allows to user to set features of Sticky Keys: Activation by pressing the shift key 5 times, Beep when a modifier is set, or displaying pressed modifiers on screen.

To turn on Sticky Keys in Windows 10:

Select Settings> Ease of Access.  From the list on the left, select Keyboard.  Turn on Sticky Keys using the toggle.  This reveals options for Sticky Keys behavior, including turning on by pressing the shift key five times, locking modifiers by pressing twice in a row, turning off Sticky Keys by releasing a modifier and other key at the same time, playing a sound when a modifier is latched, and displaying the modifiers pressed on the screen.

Where To Buy: 

This is a generic entry. For more information about this type of feature, type or paste the following search phrase into your preferred web browser: "sticky keys [your operating system]."