Product Description:
SwitchWedge is an open source Windows ability switch enhancer for any switch interface. It can enhance accessibility to many programs and websites, and it can greatly increase the utility of common switch interfaces such as keyboard emulators, adapted mice or adapted joysticks/gamepads.
Main Features:
- Supports up to 5 switches.
- Offers enhancements, especially for single-switch users, like auto-scanning, mouse control, and spot scanning.
- Switch inputs can be used to send complex strings of keyboard commands and mouse events.
- It does not require installation. Just extract the zip file and run switchwedge.exe.
- It is an AutoHotKey script that is also compiled to a Windows executable.
Primary Specifications:
- Runs on Microsoft Windows.
More Information:
This product is a freeware software available for free download off of the internet from GitHub(link is external) or search for: “open source freeware SwitchWedge”.