

Product Type: 
Primary device
Manufacturer Name: 

Product Description: 

TERA is a communications service that uses artificial intelligence to convert speech to text, and text into speech, in real-time for people who cannot use a normal telephone.

Main Features: 

  • Enables users to call and get calls from any PSTN landline or from mobile phone anywhere in the world and turn what the other person is saying into text on their telephone or tablet screen. The other device does not need to have the TERA application.
  • People who have speech disabilities type what they want to say and TERA converts that into speech spoken by a natural-sounding artificial voice.
  • Includes features appropriate for the user's communication disability or even multiple disabilities such as:
    • Hearing-impaired people who speak normally but have difficulty hearing or processing sound.
    • Speech-impaired people who can hear normally, but not speak.
    • Hearing-impaired people with a speech impairment, who can’t hear well enough to use a normal telephone and also have difficulty speaking.
    • People who are deaf and can speak.
    • People who are deaf and can't speak.
    • Deaf-blind people who do not hear or speak but can use braille.
    • Deaf-blind people who do not hear or speak and cannot use braille.
    • Visually impaired people who also have hearing or speaking disabilities.
  • Follows IP telephony standards, particularly SIP, so users can make and receive calls with video, audio and real-time text to anyone, as long as the counterpart’s equipment also allows SIP telephony calls.
  • If the user has a visual disability they can choose the size and color of the letters and the color of the background, so the text can be read as easily as possible.
  • The user can speak with their own voice, and the other party hears them, but everything the other party says is displayed on the user’s smartphone or tablet as text. It also comes as audio, if the user has residual hearing and wants to listen.
  • Suitable for calls with organizations that receive calls into a multi-choice interactive voice response (IVR) system that uses a rapid speech rate. 
  • Users who can hear but not speak well or at all, can type what they want to say to the other party and a natural-sounding synthesized voice will speak to them what you have written.
  • When both the speech-to-text and the text-to-speech features are used at the same time, they solve the problem for groups who can neither hear nor speak.
  • If the user uses the text-to-speech feature, there is only one chat field visible on the screen where they will see the text of what the other party says or to type into. There are no unnecessary fixed fields that take up screen space.
  • If the user is lost or is talking to emergency services, TERA lets them send the GPS coordinates of their location at any time during a call, no matter where they are.
  • The hot-key layout lets users set up favorites with a photo of the person or just a generic head and shoulders outline.
  • Real-time text can be deleted if users make a spelling mistake and they can correct the text even after it has reached the recipient. TERA can correct its own mistakes.
  • Provides built-in video answer and built-in text answer in the application.
  • Users can connect smartwatches or other smart devices using Bluetooth so they can be alerted to an incoming call. Rather than a single alert, the app will send notifications continuously, as long as the device is ringing.
  • If the user misses a call, or decides not to answer the call, they get only one notification of a missed call from the caller in the history rather than multiple notifications generated by the continuous alert feature.
  • User-defined text and background colors apply in video-call text, TERA speech-to-text conversion or when users write in a text-to-speech situation.
  • Users with poor vision use the maximized answer key setting so they can press anywhere on the screen to answer calls. This is especially important when commonly used applications have small answer buttons.
  • Larger icons can be set up for visually impaired people to use during calls.
  • Some users, especially the elderly, can become nervous about having too many buttons displayed during a call. A TERA feature can be set so only the essential icons are presented.
  • A Deaf-blind control setting can be set to auto-select a series of settings customized for a Braille user who pairs their Braille device by Bluetooth with a tablet or smartphone.
  • Users with multiple disabilities, reading disabilities, or anything that causes them to have difficulty in dealing with the in-app settings, can be given a locked-down app so they use only the most basic features and will call only a selected range of people or organizations specific to their needs.
  • All communication between the TERA application in a user's tablet or smartphone and T-Meeting’s TERA speech to text/text-to-speech server is encrypted. If one makes a video call with other T-Meeting solutions, there is both signaling encryption and media encryption.
  • The system provides the flexibility to be able to call the other party in multiple ways - via the keypad, using the call history, using the contacts list, or via the favorites buttons.

More Information: 

See Manufacturer's website.