This is not a page for a specific "Video Sentry/Intercom". It is a placeholder for the many Video Sentry/Intercom that are out on the market. Because there are so many of them, and they are easy to find by doing an internet search, we do not attempt to include them in our database. See the More Information section for suggested search terms to use.

Product Description: 

A video sentry/intercom system allows users to monitor their homes by seeing and hearing what is happening in various rooms or locations. it can provide added security to a building/home's entrance, and it can also allow users the ability to communicate with individuals at the other end—for example, with caregivers in another room or with visitors at the front entrance. Video intercoms may be especially helpful for deaf users, or users with hearing impairments, as it allows them to communicate via sign language or lip read.

Main Features: 

  • One-touch buttons for speaking.
  • Live video feed.

Where To Buy: 

This is a generic entry. This type of product is available from many vendors. Type or paste the following search phrase into your preferred web browser: "video intercom," "video doorbell."

Options & Accessories: 

  • Remote door lock/unlock.
  • Touchscreen models.
  • Companion smartphone for remote monitoring.

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