This is not a page for a specific "Voice Recorder". It is a placeholder for the many Voice Recorder that are out on the market. Because there are so many of them, and they are easy to find by doing an internet search, we do not attempt to include them in our database. See the More Information section for suggested search terms to use.

Product Description: 

A voice recorder is a small, portable recording device that allows the user to record themselves or others speaking and playback the recording wherever they are. This can help a variety of users, especially for those with cognitive or memory impairments, who may use voice memos as reminders for completing tasks.

Main Features: 

  • Lightweight and portable.
  • Editing capabilities.
  • Built-in storage.
  • Most models do not require a computer. However, most will typically allow a user to upload the recordings to separate devices, either via the cloud or USB.

Where To Buy: 

This is a generic entry. This type of product is available from many vendors. Type or paste the following search phrase into your preferred web browser: "voice recorder." 

Options & Accessories: 

  • Keychain models.
  • Headphones or external mic add-ons.

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