Product Description:
"WWAAC Web Browser" is an alternative Web browser for people with communication and/or cognitive impairments.
The WWAAC Web Browser opens with a page that is filled with links to the person's favorite sites. This is the person's starting point for web navigation. It also acts as his home page, and the "home" button will always bring him back to the favorites page. A facilitator can produce this page and keep it up to date, or this can be done by the person themselves.
Main Features:
- Integrated speech output. Speech synthesizer controls are integrated into the browser window. This enables those who find it difficult to understand the written text on a web page to listen to it instead. The text on the web page can be sent to the speech synthesizer word by word, sentence by sentence, paragraph by paragraph, or in one piece, and as many times as the user wants. A coloured frame walks over the text while the voice is reading it aloud.
- Switch access. The browser can be operated in various ways: with one or two switches - with or without automatic scanning (with a cursor walking over the buttons) -, with a mouse or alternative pointing device, or via a standard or adapted keyboard.
Selection set. The end-user can use a ['selection set' produce 403 Forbidden ] - configured by a facilitator - to operate the program. The
selection set can be dynamic (consisting of more than one page). When it contains a page with characters and commands like 'backspace' and 'enter' it can be used as a virtual keyboard for the WWAAC browser. - Fully configurable toolbars and buttons. The browser's toolbars and buttons are fully configurable by a person's facilitator. The facilitator can control how many buttons appear on the toolbars, the size and content of the buttons, and the location of the toolbars. This enables the browser to be used by people with a wide variety of needs.
- Summary function. The summary function creates a summary of the current web page from the title of the page, the number of frames, the headings, and the links contained in the site (except links without a text or with a text like 'Click here').
Primary Specifications:
Operating systems:
- Windows 98, Me, 2000, and XP.
- Spanish, English, Dutch, Swedish.
- Web browser: Internet Explorer 6
- Speech synthesis: SAPI 4 speech synthesizer
More Information:
This product is discontinued by the manufacturer.