Product Type:
Primary device
Manufacturer Name:
This product has been discontinued.
Product Description:
The Zingui is a small-sized, lightweight, speech-generating device. The Mind Express software includes SymbolStix from News-2-You but can be used with other symbol sets as well as digital photographs. Choose American English or American Spanish with Spanish menus and Spanish speech.
Main Features:
- Customize vocabularies with the Mind Express software to meet communication needs.
- Start by using symbols or photos for cause and effect, display simple choice, or to represent whole stored messages.
- Use the symbols or text to build phrases and sentences.
- Progress to using text-to-speech with word prediction and verb morphology to produce voice output.
- Set up phrase banks and link pages together.
- Sample pages are supplied.
- It has a built-in grammar module and word prediction to augment its text-to-speech capabilities.
- Access using the touch screen for direct selection, use one- or two-switch scanning, or connect a USB input device.
- Install the optional environmental control module (GEWA) and the user can communicate and operate a TV, DVD, cable box, and other household electronics.
Primary Specifications:
- 8.4” touch screen.
- Weighs 2lbs 6 oz (1.08 kg).
Options & Accessories:
- Zingui Basic with digitized (recorded) speech.
- Zingui Plus with both digitized and synthesized speech using Realspeak (Nuance) or BrightSpeech (Acapela).
More Information:
This product is discontinued by the manufacturer, but it may still be available for purchase from third party vendors. Try searching the product by name on the internet. Be careful as the manufacturer may no longer support it - or support it for long.
A similar product is available from the manufacturer. See the entry for Zingui 2.