
Communication Devices

Voice menu on iPad with a 5x2 grid of pictures and a bottom row of menu choices with a finger touching the home button.

Communication support software: customizable and for mobile devices. Voice (COMOOTY) provides access to customized communication panels consisting of images and associated speech/sound messages.

A text input box is shown which is divided into two areas: The top is blank space where a text can be written; the lower half of the screen has several lines  and columns of words, letters, and numbers, with one of the lines highlighted in blue.

Writing-based communication software with an on-screen keyboard.

Book reading screen featuring a photo of a boy and a girl with a dog and caption above and below in French.

Pictello is an iOS app for creating and sharing visual social stories and schedules. Users can add pictures, videos, and recordings to stories to make it easier to share information while building literacy skills and confidence in storytelling. Each page in a Pictello story consists of a photo or video and some text, which can be read aloud by natural-sounding Text to Speech voices or user-recorded audio.

On screen keyboard with predictions.

Teclado Virtual Livre (Virtual Keyboard Free) was developed for users of the Prancha Multiplataforma Livre (Free Communication Board) who are literate and are able to form words using an alphanumeric keyboard.

Black colored slim capsule shaped device.

A camera enabling eye-controlled computer operation.

Black tablet with a camera at its base on a horizontal, adjustable mounting arm.

An eye-operated communication and control system that empowers people with disabilities, Locked-in syndrome, ALS, or other to communicate and interact with the world. 

Software screen interface icons and options.

The Prancha Multiplataforma Livre (Free Communication Board) is software that has been developed to automate the use of symbols as an alternative communication process, providing ease of use through the computer.

Software screen showing operation icons.

The Free Communication Board is software that has been developed to automate this alternative communication process, providing ease of use through the computer.

Screenshot showing a grid of symbols, six rows across and nine rows down.

An alternative and augmentative communication (AAC) app that turns the iPad into a communication device. It gives a voice to adults and children who are not able to speak or are limited in their ability to express themselves verbally.

A long, rectangular device with four four plastic inserts, each with a communication option on it.

A scanning version of the 4Talk4 classroom speech output device that is designed to be used as an introduction to scanning. It features four large, colored buttons, each with its own message.