

Text input box with a keyboard below and icons of stick figures above and a screenshot of a vocabulary list with corresponding icons next to the words.

An app that allows users to communicate by writing a sentence and then giving the command to read with digital voice, or by dialing directly by choosing the sentences proposed designs that will be read by the TTS vocally.

Communication screen with the phrases "Let's talk," "yes and no", and "me" accompanying pictograms.

An augmentative and alternative communication (AAC) system for tablets and smartphones. Using a system of symbols, images, synthesis and voice recording, users can create and configure an environment adapted to each user.

Screen shot of MetaTalk icons.

MetaTalk is a symbol-based iOS application for augmentative and alternative communication (AAC).

Screenshot of software's settings.

A series of programs that convert written text into speech and creates and publishes audio contributions with high-quality speech. 

CHIPSpeaking logo

CHIP SPEAKING is a desktop augmentative communication device that supports up to 99 messages. Users can record in their own voice (or care-givers can record the voice of someone else of the same gender and age) or take advantage of computerized voices.

A screen on a computer featuring large buttons to facilitate communication.

A text-based communicator that includes word prediction, text-to-speech support, etc. for people who are nonverbal with speech and physical impairments.

Sizzit logo as the name written in a thick black text font.

A portable communication tool for the iPod, iPhone or iPad for people with intellectual disabilities who communicate their intentions with text-to-speech messages, pictures, videos and stories.

Cover of software, a circle with icons and product name across the bottom of a pamphlet.

Software program for augmentative and alternative communication based on the symbolic PCS system, enabling used to create symbol tables which can be recalled to each other.

Screenshot of 9 images (3 across/3 down), with text beneath each image. Controls are at upper right of screen.

Software for creating folders for speech symbols: icons or text that can be quickly accessed. Communication signs, and gestures are often used to expand and supplement speech-restricted communication.

User settings drop down menu.

My Freedom To Communicate (MyFTC) is Assistive Technology (AT) software that uses text-to-speech technology to enable nonverbal individuals to communicate easily in real life situations.