
Keyboard (Switch array)

Menu options on a mobile phone featuring icons with corresponding labels that form the sentence, "See what I am saying."

An app that enables real-time communication with symbol speakers through symbol systems and is intuitive and easy to use.

Menu categories, teacher and drink, and pictures labled water, orange juice, and soft drink.

An app that allows a person living with a verbal disability to communicate by translating pictures into text messages which are then sent to a family member or caregiver's phone or tablet. 

An emotions aac board on smartphone is shown. There are 5 smiley/frowning type circle faces drawn with 3 red buttons on the bottom to go back, SOS, and Talk.

An app directed at people unable to communicate fluently orally or through writing with health professionals, family, or any other person. HelpTalk allows users to create sets of actions that represent their needs in terms of communication, with the actions most suited for each disability/user. 

Symbols with corresponding icons and menu options such as chat, feelings, and people.

A symbol-based communication app, powered by a prediction technology. SwiftKey Symbols learns from users to predict the symbol they’re most likely to want next, saving time and helping them to communicate faster and more easily.

V4M text inside a round speech bubble on blue background.

A text-to-speech communication software accessible in mouse and keyboard mode.

The screen of an iPad filled with a 4x2 grid of pictograms, each with a label below it. At the bottom there is another row of 3 large buttons with labels: Yes, I do not know, and No.

An application with pictograms and photos organized by a tree structure, used on iOS or Android tablets, for anyone who has difficulty speaking and / or motor difficulties and for their family and caregivers.

A software icon with the Italian words ParlaConMe written without spaces and the Con in blue while the Parla and Me are in Gold. There are two connecting dialog bubbles above the words, on pointing to Parla and one pointing to Me. The bubbles are outlined in blue with gold dashes for words.

A symbolic communication software system designed for the Italian language.

A pictogram grid with icons representing words such a please and thank you.

A system that allows users to read dynamic and interactive communication grids. It can be used with a mouse, a touch screen, a keyboard, contactors, a joystick, enPathia, etc.

Various word choices such as shells, sand, and waves below a yellow text box with a sentence in it.

A customizable notepad and keyboard app with advanced word prediction and text-to-speech options. 

Menu of pictograms featuring various fruits such as cherries, strawberries, and grapes.

A software that aims to construct syntactically and orthographically correct French texts from pictograms (drawing, photos, or cartoons).