
Provides Word Prediction

Word prediction options that start with the letter D

Supports disabled people to enter text faster by predicting words and word groups on the basis of the already written text.

A screen on a computer featuring large buttons to facilitate communication.

A text-based communicator that includes word prediction, text-to-speech support, etc. for people who are nonverbal with speech and physical impairments.

Hotkey editing menu with several rows of keys with a checkbox next to them.

A powerful tool with features that can automatically enter text, phrases, sentences, or paragraphs with a hotkey that the user defines.

a search browser screen with virtual keyboard underneath search bar

RapidKey provides you with a new Windows functionality. This software autocompletes text phrases and autoexpands shorthands in any Windows applications. 

Screenshot of the Lees en Praat  window with large font keyboard and associated words.

Lees en Praat is a communication tool designed for people with dysarthria anarthria and can be used with keyboard, mouse, or switches.

Square orange logo with scripted ABC written in a pyramid shape in the middle.

A text predictor for all ages featuring reading and exam functions and extensive correction options with text-to-speech technology and symbols, illustrations, and example sentences to help users with word choice and text comprehension.

Penfriend XL screen featuring vocabulary word choices next to a sentence.

A screen reader with text magnification, word prediction and on-screen keyboards in many languages.

Typ-O on an iPhone displaying a highlighted, misspelled word and suggestions for correction.

Typ-O is an easy to use dyslexia app that helps users write without spelling errors.

Software screen interface icons and options.

The Prancha Multiplataforma Livre (Free Communication Board) is software that has been developed to automate the use of symbols as an alternative communication process, providing ease of use through the computer.

window with mouse control functions

This product has been discontinued and is no longer supported and serviced (12/26/17).

Software for computers running Windows, enabling control by switches, joystick, trackerball or a headpointer.