
Type of Magnification

LowBrowse webpage.

LowBrowse is a Firefox extension that provides a new kind of user interface specifically designed for users with low vision.

Another Lens logo

Another Lens displays a magnified view of the area of the mouse cursor. Quite handy, for example, for drawing software.

A selection of typed text with a magnifying glass graphic over it, and the words "TextMarker" highlighted in yellow above.

Α reading aid program that facilitates reading of a text by the marks and magnifies portions of the text.

Computer device with mouse, keyboard and speaker.

With the GTX 32 everything can be displayed on the computer 1-32 times larger for people with visual difficulties. 

A stand magnifier with a camera at the top, and beneath, a platform base for placing materials on.

Are easy-to-use scanning and reading appliances for people who have difficulty reading printed text.

Screenshot of ZoomIt dialogue window, reading "After toggling Zoomit you can zoom in with the mouse wheel or up and down arrow keys.  Exit zoom mode with Escape or by pressing the right mouse button."

ZoomIt is a screen zoom and annotation tool for technical presentations that include application demonstrations.

Zoomed-in view of the on-screen magnification glass over on a desktop icon.

A free, open-source, screen magnifier, for Windows, Linux, FreeBSD and Mac OS X.

Screenshot of a text document featuring a section of the document magnified in a circle.

A full screen magnifying software for Windows.

A free-standing pedestal scanner with a camera scanner reaching over a grey rectangle.

A portable OCR device for scanning, reading and magnifying device with all of the features needed for users with low vision or reading difficulties. It has instant text to speech capabilities, color options for easier viewing, and voiced with menu functions. Uses the mouse or keyboard.

Magnifixer, magnified popup screen

Magnifixer is a screen magnifier utility. User can place it anywhere on your screen, make it any size, and select a zoom level. Magnifixer will always show the area of the user's screen where the mouse cursor resides.