Products that match: Adaptive or Assistive Products
1093 Results
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Operating System
The Launcher6 application can be used as a simple interface for launching programs, a simple electronic speech aid, or as a multimedia game spinner.
A free program designed for blind and visually-impaired people that makes RSS feeds accessible.
The goal of the Nordic SYMBERED project - funded by NUH - is to develop a user-friendly editing tools to create Web pages based on the so-called 'Concept coding' (concept coding). In this way one will be able to create web content with customizable graphical symbol of support for people who use augmentative and alternative communication (AAC).
Fire Vox is an open-source, freely available talking browser extension for the Firefox web browser. It is a screen reader designed for Firefox.
An image and photo editing software for PCs that runs on Windows. It supports layers, unlimited undo, special effects, and a wide variety of tools for dealing with very large images and using a pointer device for entry.
Free software that enables blind and screen reader users to use podcasts.
Text to speech program for the web.
Allows users to simulate the operation of an original PlayStation 3 controller from a wheelchair joystick.
DIAS stands for “Disability Impairment Approximation Simulator” and is a Netbeans IDE plugin. It approximately simulates the difficulties someone with vision and other impairments face when interacting with Java Swing GUIs.
A suite of programs designed to help teach early ICT skills to people with profound and multiple learning difficulties, those who need to develop skills with assistive input devices and very young children new to computers.
Visually and auditory tool for staff at nursing homes with people with moderate to severe dementia.
A multi-media device designed for people with a visual or reading impairment to enable them to access audio information and entertainment, including content available on the Internet, without using a computer.
A web-based application that makes the internet and computer capabilities available for cognitively impaired people, and thereby supports personal communication through the use of digital photos, e-mail, text and audio messages.
Voice control software.
A home control unit that enables people with disabilities to access their smartphone and control their environment.
Track-IT! is a switch interface that allows complete operation of the cursor, and mouse button clicks, using a single, remote switch.
A channel wireless transmitter which acts as an interface between any wired switch and any SimplyWorks receiver.
A free program for blind and visually-impaired people that enables them to start BBC television programs online with a limited number of keystrokes.
Vischeck aids in showing the viewer exactly the way in which color-blind people perceive the image.
RapidSet is designed to assist users who have low vision. It is a quick and easy way to change the screen background and text colors.
A screen magnifier and screen reader available in three versions.
A free caption- and audio-description authoring tool for making multimedia accessible to persons with sensory disabilities.
An interface box for the use of switches as a mouse replacement. With the Mitch, it is possible to carry out all the mouse functions on the computer with separate switches.
A free Voice over Internet Protocol (or VoIP) IP telephony and video conferencing application for Linux, Unix-like (e.g. BSD or OpenSolaris), and Windows operating systems.
A small and basic application that launches any script the user wants after clicking any hotkey the user creates.