Auto Mouse Emulator
Product Type: 
Device modifier
Manufacturer Name: 
Approximate Cost: $30.00

Product Description: 

Mouse Emulator allows users to use mouse functions through a keyboard that emulates their mouse. Useful for tablets, wireless keyboards, or when a mouse doesn't work.  

Main Features: 

  • The program recognizes the following keys: (NumLock must be ON).
    • Keypad 1 - Left mouse button.
    • Keypad 2 - Right mouse button.
    • Keypad 3 - Middle mouse button.
    • Keypad 4, 5, 6, 8 - Moves the mouse left, down, right and/or up respectively.
    • Keypad 7 - Mousewheel up (Scroll).
    • Keypad 9 - Mousewheel down (Scroll).
    • Keypad / - Toggle Left mouse button (Useful for RSI users).
    • Keypad * - Toggle Right mouse button (Useful for RSI users).
    • Keypad - - Toggle Middle mouse button (Useful for RSI users).

Primary Specifications: 

  • Windows NT/9x and above.

More Information: 

See manufacturer's website(link is external).