Product Type: 
Primary device
Manufacturer Name: 

Product Description: 

QuickCaption provides reliable, professional Communication Access Real-Time Translation (CART) services on an as-needed basis for individuals who are deaf or hard of hearing. The experienced professionals provide CART services for academic courses including lectures, labs, discussions, seminars and meetings; employee meetings; technical events; equipment and instrument training; legal and law enforcement meetings; City-sponsored public meetings and events, and more. 

Main Features: 

  • Remote and onsite CART.
  • Remote and onsite real-time captioning.
  • Broadcast realtime closed captioning via closed captioning encoders/decoders.
  • Post-event verbatim text transcription in multiple formats Offline captioning and subtitling for prerecorded materials including videotape, VHS, Beta, DV, CD, and DVD.
  • Realtime captioning for live and archival webcasts including Windows Media, RealPlayer, and QuickTime.
  • Realtime captioning for online meetings utilizing Wimba, WebEx, and Microsoft Live Meeting.
  • Realtime captioning for Internet text streaming.
  • Teleconference call realtime captionin.g
  • Verbatim transcription.
  • Verbatim transcription with medical specialization.

More Information: 

See manufacturer's website.(link is external)