Standard, Professional
Product Type: 
Device modifier
Manufacturer Name: 
Approximate Cost: $39.00

Product Description: 

Windows-based programs developed specifically for students with special needs designed to introduce and reinforce the connection of a verbal request of an object to pictures or words within familiar environments, such as a convenience store, school store, cafeteria, farmers market, and others.

Listen & Respond Standard Version

Comes with seven stories and 144 items.

Listen & Respond Professional Version

Comes with six stories and 161 items.

Main Features: 

These features are common to all versions:

  • Skills introduced: Connection of a verbal request of an object to pictures or words, Choice Making, Hand-Eye Coordination, Memory Skills, and Turn Taking.
  • Minimum Cognitive Age Level: 4 Years.
  • Features a role-playing environment where the student is working behind the counter in one of the several different stores provided by the program. 
  • Customers come up to the counter and place an order that would normally be carried in that type of store.
  • The student must select the correct choice button(s) to fill the customer's order.
  • Designed to reinforce transitional skills, life skills, memory skills, and pre-vocational skills training.
  • Data is automatically recorded and can be viewed in a spreadsheet or text format. 
  • Auditory scanning of buttons.
  • Access: switch/mouse/touch window.
  • Option to hide the button after choosing incorrectly.
  • Change prompt image.
  • Set the number of choice buttons.
  • Specify items a customer can ask for.
  • Set pictures, words, or both pictures and words to appear on the choice buttons.
  • Set the frequency of the manager's positive or encouraging comments.

Listen & Respond Professional Version includes these additional features:

  • Determine the number of items a customer can order at a time (from 1 to10).
  • Set the customer's speech rate.
  • Add the user's own customers from photos or any picture file.
  • Create a photo ID card for screen display and/or print.

Primary Specifications: 

These specifications are common to all versions:

  • Windows Versions: Windows 10/8/7/Vista/XP.
  • 220 MB hard disk space.
  • At least 1024 x 768 screen resolution.

Options & Accessories: 

These options are common to all versions:

  • CD (can be installed on one computer at a time).
  • Download (can be installed on one computer at a time). 
  • Classroom License CD (can be installed on an unlimited number of computers as long as they are in the same physical classroom).

More Information: 

See Manufacturer's website.(link is external)