
Create Accessible Materials

If it doesn't already exist, these tools allow instructors to create accessible materials.
PECS IV+ logo

PECS IV+ is an app for the iPad which helps transition learners who have mastered phases I through to IV of PECS to high tech AAC methods. It allows users to construct a multi-picture sentence strip using sentence starters. It uses synthesised and/or digitised voice output.

Large rectangular printer, with a gray body and purple sides.

A braille embosser that supports double-sided and interpoint braille and produces output at 120 characters per second.

SwitchIt! Jigsaw Maker 2 home screen with an example of a picture being pieced together like a puzzle.

Create your own jigsaw puzzles quickly and easily with SwitchIt! Jigsaw Maker 2.

Graphic with directional arrows, up, down, left, diagonal.

Strillone is available for smartphones, tablets and desktop PCs, and allows blind people or people with serious vision problems to browse and listen to their favorite newpaper through integrated speech synthesis.

Click n' Talk logo

An augmentative communication app that allows the user to attach text and voice to individual pictures, and organize photos in photo albums.

Rounded red square showing a stylized image of notebook paper and large quotes marks, and a blue stripe on the bottom with the lowercase word claro inside it.

A reading and writing app with text-to-speech, formatting controls, fonts and styles, and cloud storage integration.

Icon menu showing a 4x6 grid of communications symbols of simply drawn stick figures and a text line at the top for stringing together the sentence.

An augmentative and alternative communication (AAC) app with spell check, word prediction, and hotkeys that includes an additional training layer to equip parents and caregivers with the strategies involved in therapy.

OCR Anastasis.

OCR to make documents on paper or digital images accessible to speech synthesis.

A screenshot that reads "Greta is now playing the audio description," for Star Wars: The Last Jedi. It includes a pause and sync button in the middle and the menu options "My Movies" and "Share Movie," at the bottom.

An app specially developed for everyone who wants to use additional film versions in the cinema or at home for DVD, VoD, Blu-ray independently. Greta plays the spoken film description for blind and visually impaired film fans, as well as the subtitle versions for deaf and hearing-impaired cinema-goers.

A woman telling a story in sign language, standing in front of a white fabric backdrop.

Accessible children's stories for users with hearing impairments.