
Electronic Devices

Personal electronics used to provide assistance for the student to participate in classroom or homework activities.
An off-white, rectangular device with an LCD display panel and a cord attached.

Calculator screen magnifier that enlarges and projects the image of a graphing calculator display so that an entire class can view the screen, including students with low vision. 

Young girl wearing orange virtual reality headset and looking up.

A virtual reality package designed for students with physical disabilities that immerses them in 360-degree environments designed to enhance and complement their real-world exploration and play.

Large rectangular display with home PC screen showing time in large numbers at the top and icons for various functions.

An extremely large Android-based tablet that can function as either a whiteboard or a table and was developed as a way to help autistic children connect with the world.

A montage of the software, worksheets, and workbooks that are part of the curriculum.

A research- and standards-based curriculum for secondary students with moderate to severe intellectual disability or autism to learn language arts with age-appropriate novels.

Purple colored square with a large white arrow in center and the word Go inside with a small capital A on the bottom.

A program for converting photos and videos into literacy and communication opportunities on an iPhone or iPad.

Small square, gray device with a small rectangular display and control buttons on the bottom and the right side.

A personal electronic device that enables people to make desired changes in their own behavior and habits.

An iPhone with an audio transcription displayed. Next to the phone, there are four wearable microphones, which are long, white, and oval/rectangular, and have colored ovals in the center.

An assistive technology device that transcribes speech to text in real-time.

LeapFrog LeapPad handheld tablet showing the main screen with a green background and colorful icon buttons.

A series of tablets that are educational devices for children ages 3-9 that feature school readiness apps, as well as creative and music apps, designed to prepare preschoolers and kindergarteners for school.

Front view of transparent glasses.

Transparent glasses that redefine augmented reality (AR) with a Si-OLED display.