
Person-to-Person Communication

Products supporting communication between people; face-to-face, phone, messaging
A TTY device resembling an electric typewriter. The keys and display panel are black, while the device body is off-white.

TTY/TDD with a printer for individuals who are deaf or hard of hearing.

Screenshot of an iPhone displaying "Doorbell is Ringing" alert, with a large blue bell icon against a white background. Beneath, there is a blue button that reads "Confirm" in white font.

Sound alert app designed for use by individuals who are deaf, or hard of hearing. The app can detect a wide range of sounds, such as smoke alarms, doorbells, babies crying, car horns, and more.

Angled view of a large black headset with a camera lens on the right.

A wearable headset that allows the vision-impaired to see more clearly. It is designed to help users overcome many low vision conditions.

Black round case on left, with headset and microphone in the middle, and a smartphone on the right.

A system that enables people with progressive disorders such as Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis (ALS) to record their legacy messages while they are still verbal and later use them with a speech generating device. 

A 3x2 grid of simple stick figure images and vocabulary words and phrases.

The CoreWord Language System provides augmented and alternative communication (AAC) app users with a combination of core language, fringe vocabulary, and banks of key phrases.

A tablet device displaying a large grid of icons and a text input bar at the top.

Dedicated speech-generating device (SGD) that offers user-friendly features.

Large blue, orange, and red translucent cough drop shapes overlaid on each other.

A cross-platform, open-source augmentative and alternative communication app for people with complex communication needs.

Angled view of small rectangular black device with USBox written on the top and four ports along the front.

A four channel relay board controlled by a computer's USB port.

Rounded green square with with Turn Taking written on top and one yellow and one red button underneath with an arrow pointing at the yellow button.

The Turn Taking iPad apps are designed for all students who require reinforcement of their turn taking skills by having two students alternate pressing their prompts to uncover a picture.