
Personal Support

Assistance with self-care and self management tasks.
urVoice Logo as a polished head bust with a speech bubble.

An Augmentative and alternative text-to-speech Communication App. The user types and urVoice speaks it. The words can be saved as a Quick Phrase to be used later (and a picture can even be included).

8 cells featured on a case with a carrying handle; each cell includes illustrations of people with various text above them, such as "eat" and "drink."

Multi-level AAC devices designed to aid communication through direct selection. Using “Real-Voice” technology, the Tech/Plus provides speech playback.

Tech/Scan with batteries, DVD, and external button. Device features 8 panels with illustrations of people and various text above such as "friends" and "thank you."

The Tech/Scan 8 is a multi-level augmentative and alternative communication device.

Black rectangular device with 2 rows of four message buttons and software DVD.

A multi-level message communicator. Using Real-Voice technology, the Tech/Talk provides speech playback.

A black rectangular device with 32 message icons with text above such as "breakfast" and "shower." A DVD and strap are also featured.

Multi-level AAC aids designed to assist communication through direct selection.

A yellow rectangular device with a screen framed in black; a product catalog CD and batteries are also featured.

Augmentative communication devices that can interlock to create a multi-message communicator. 

White circular device with green light at top center and smaller black circular device embedded in the center.

A series of portable speech generating devices with varying levels of messages and communication features.

A small, grey, and rectangular device with eight black squares.

Message communicator for up to eight messages at a time.

A red, switch button on an inclined base.

Single-message dedicated speech generating device that enables you to record one message up to 2-minutes long directly to the device.

Tablet device with a camera mounted at the bottom of the screen and an onscreen keyboard.

A communication device for people whose only means of communication is with their eyes. It is classified as a speech generator (SGD).