
Putting information or instructions into the computer

Accommodations that assist with the keyboard or mouse, or other ways of entering information.

A Windows software that allows users to "read" single and double-sided Braille documents with a standard scanner. The retrieved information is presented as the text that can be used in all types of Windows applications.


A freeware application for gestural and voice computer control. Hand movements are recorded by a webcam and translated into pointer movements. Gestures or voice commands are accepted to emulate the actions that are usually performed with a regular mouse or a touchpad: clicks, double-clicks, drags, and scrolls.

Black rectangular, box-shaped device with white top and five ports on side with USB connection cord. Four colored round switches are partially displayed at top of image.

A small hardware interface that allows users to connect switches or a digital joystick to a computer.

Small black keyboard with a keyguard.

This product has been discontinued and is no longer supported and serviced (12/28/17)

The Compact Cherry Window G84 4100 keyboard with Windows has 86 keys and gives you the benefits of the non-Windows Compact Cherry with the added advantages of the additional Windows keys.

Keyguarad and a portion of it enlarged to show the clear surface and small cut outs.

A range of standard and customised keyguards compatible with iPad1, iPad2 and iPad3.

The Lipstick mouth piece consisting of a short straw for blowing into connected to a short, wide cylinder that is wired and connected to a rigid pipe.

LipStick Mouse Controller is a mouth operated mouse where all mouse functions can be controlled with the mouth. Anybody who has problems with a hand-controlled mouse, may benefit from the LipStick. The screen cursor follows the movements of the mouth. The left- and right mouse buttons are operated by lifting one of the lips.

window with mouse control functions

This product has been discontinued and is no longer supported and serviced (12/26/17).

Software for computers running Windows, enabling control by switches, joystick, trackerball or a headpointer.

StaggeredSpeech keyboard broken up into 5 large pastel-colored buttons with alphabet letters written on them in black. Below these are 3 large buttons with "space", a man with "speak", and "delete" written. The bottom bar shows the text that is being written.

An onscreen Windows-compatible keyboard program that utilizes head-controlled or eye-controlled access technology. It features large buttons and a two-level keyboard designed to easily pick out and find letters. 

x through photo of a traditional mouse.

It allows the user to disable mouse clicks, as well as the movement of the pointer and the scroll wheel. 

A gray window with menu options in black text.

A program that allows the mouse to sweep the entire screen or a specific window.