
Using Computer for some activity or support

Applications of computer technology to tasks that able-bodied users are able to do without assistance.
SimpleAAC on an iPad displaying the pictorial phrase selection menu, "yes", "hello", "no", "please", "goodbye", "thank you".

An alternative and augmentative communication system designed for iPad.

MBraille Logo that closely situates two Braille cells to spell the letters M and B.

A versatile Braille keyboard for the mobile iOS device.

VoiceSymbol AAC logo showing an emerald green rectangle with a large gold V drawn with horizontally broken gold lines and a small solid gold letter s next to it. Between the V legs is a gold drop of liquid dripping off the tip of a quill pen.

An interactive touchscreen communication system for iPad and PC that can also be used to create low tech resources for use with a V Pen.

Black text pasted onto a yellow background with menu options to the right.

An app to see a text better when reading, read faster and understand what a user reads.

Moon+ Reader Pro navigation bar with a darkened night sky and a yellowish crescent moon over simple blue mountain peaks at the top, a listing of where to go files in the main body, and 3 tool buttons on the bottom.

An Android app with powerful controls & full functions for users who have difficulties with handling and reading physical books.

two small white board with black stick figure holding image of a computer and heart

A tool for text and symbolization associated with a writing process.

Oxford Dictionary of English Logo is a square with the name written in white letters on a blue background under which is a wave of red and green colors.

Dictionary iOS app with audio pronunciations.

Cover image of software.

A program that is designed to create and use a wide range of activities that include "question and answer" options for the user.

AAC board with food pictures on a smartphone screen.

A speech communication application designed to help non-verbal children and adults communicate. Users can build sentences from words and organize words into user-defined categories for simple navigation.

A window with a blue background and simply drawn colorful pictures of food items like rice, pizza, bread, and a girl who is gesturing.

An Android communication software app for a tablet or smartphone. It uses symbolic icons with voice output.