
Where am I, and Where Am I Going

Using external references, a tool to identify a person's location on the map. The information may be intended to be used by the user, or by caregivers.
Handheld rectangular white device the size of large bar of soap.

A battery-powered GPS tracker that gives real-time location updates, speed alerts, geofences, Panic button, and dedicated web & smartphone apps from a computer, tablet or smartphone.

The front of the iPad shows up to six rows of icons in 4 columns. The back illustrates the space gray option with an Apple Logo.

iPad is a tablet device from Apple with built-in assistive features to complement your vision, hearing, motor skills, learning, and literacy.

The vOICe for Android application centered on the entrance of a brown staircase with a similar version in the top right corner rendered in neon green.

Augmented reality and visual detail through sensory substitution and computer vision with the ultimate goal of providing synthetic vision.  

Product logo for Blind Audio Tactile Mapping System featuring B-A-T-S in large black letters with  Blind Audio Tactile Mapping System written below it. Also to the right is a radar-type measurement featuring 2-axis drawn segments with a black silhouette form in the target.

An ongoing project aimed at providing people without sight the same rich information and spatial awareness that sighted people get from exploring maps.